My studying notes for Java,Ruby,Ajax and other any interesting things.

星期一, 九月 21, 2009

Interesting Things to Know about MySQL

Interesting Things to Know about MySQL
Mike Chirico (
Copyright (c) 2004 (GNU Free Documentation License)
Last Updated: Sun Jan 21 09:44:21 EST 2007
The latest version of this document can be found at:

TIP 1:
    Find out who is doing what, and kill the process if needed.
    This example kills Id 657.
    mysql> show processlist;
    show processlist;
    | Id  | User | Host      | db      | Command | Time  | State | Info             |
    | 657 | prog | localhost | weather | Sleep   | 28619 |       | NULL             |
    | 782 | prog | localhost | weather | Sleep   |   853 |       | NULL             |
    | 785 | prog | localhost | NULL    | Query   |     0 | NULL  | show processlist |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql>kill 657
    Or, from the command line, to kill process 782
    [root@third-fl-71 mysql]# mysqladmin processlist
    | Id  | User | Host      | db      | Command | Time | State | Info             |
    | 782 | prog | localhost | weather | Sleep   | 2676 |       |                  |
    | 785 | prog | localhost |         | Sleep   | 1823 |       |                  |
    | 793 | root | localhost |         | Query   | 0    |       | show processlist |
    [root@third-fl-71 mysql]#
    [root@third-fl-71 mysql]# mysqladmin kill 782
    Note, the following can also be helpful
    mysql> show status;
    mysql> show status\G
    mysql> show innodb status;
    mysql> show table status like '%';
        The above gives you create time and other information.
TIP 2:
    Clean up binary log files.  For a default install they may be in
    with names ending in -bin.000001,-bin.000002,..  The following
    command may help find out where the logs are located.
         mysql> show variables like '%home%';
         | Variable_name             | Value           |
         | bdb_home                  | /var/lib/mysql/ |
         | innodb_data_home_dir      |                 |
         | innodb_log_group_home_dir | ./              |

    mysql> reset master;
    reset master;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
    See (Tip 24:) details working with binary log files and (Tip 25:) explains
    how to setup logging. (Tip 37:) shows have to setup MASTER and SLAVE
TIP 3:
    Can the order of the columns in a create statement make a difference? YES
       create table t (
          a int,
          b int,
          timeUpdate timestamp,
          timeEnter timestamp );
    The first timestamp will always be the "automatically generated" time. So
    if the record is updated, or inserted, this time gets changed. If the
    order is changed, "timeEnter" is before "timeUpdate", then,  "timeEnter"
    would get updated.  First timestamp column updates automatically.
    Note, in the table above timeEnter will only get updated if passed a null
         insert into t (a,b,timeEnter) values (1,2,NULL);
    Hints: Need mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss format?
      select a,b,DATE_FORMAT(timeUpdate,'%m-%d-%Y %T'),DATE_FORMAT(timeEnter,'%m-%d-%Y %T') from t;
      | a    | b    | DATE_FORMAT(timeUpdate,'%m-%d-%Y %T') | DATE_FORMAT(timeEnter,'%m-%d-%Y %T') |
      |    3 |    2 | 04-15-2004 19:14:36                   | 04-15-2004 19:15:07                  |
      |    3 |    2 | 04-15-2004 19:14:39                   | 04-15-2004 19:15:07                  |
      |    5 |    5 | 00-00-0000 00:00:00                   | 04-15-2004 19:15:53                  |
      |    1 |    2 | 00-00-0000 00:00:00                   | 04-15-2004 19:20:15                  |
      4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
TIP 4:
   Connect, create table and select with Perl (Linux).  First the DBI module is needed, which
   can be installed from the system prompt as follows:
       # perl -MCPAN -e shell
       cpan> install DBI
       cpan> install DBD::mysql
   The following is an example program:

          #! /usr/bin/perl -w
          #  Copyright (GPL) Mike Chirico
          #  Program does the following:
          #     o connects to mysql
          #     o creates perlTest if it doesn't exist
          #     o inserts records
          #     o selects and displays records
          #  This program assumes DBI
          #  perl -MCPAN -e shell
          #  cpan> install DBI
          #  cpan> install DBD::mysql
          use strict;
          use DBI;
          #  You will need to change the following:
          #     o database
          #     o user
          #     o password
          my $database="yourdatabase";
          my $user="user1";
          my $passwd="hidden";
          my $count = 0;
          my $tblcreate= "
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS perlTest (
              pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
              a int,
              b int,
              c int,
              timeEnter timestamp(14),
             PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
             ) ";
          my $insert= "
              insert into perlTest (a,b,c)
               values (1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9)";
          my $select="
              select a,b,c from perlTest ";
          my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=${database}";
          my $dbh = DBI->connect ($dsn, $user, $passwd)
              or die "Cannot connect to server\n";
          my $s = $dbh->prepare($tblcreate);
             $s = $dbh->prepare($insert);
             $s = $dbh->prepare($select);

          while(my @val = $s->fetchrow_array())
              print " $val[0]  $val[1]  $val[2]\n";
          $dbh->disconnect ( );
          exit (0);
TIP 5:
     Remove duplicate entries.  Assume the following table and data.
              CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dupTest (
                pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                a int,
                b int,
                c int,
                timeEnter timestamp(14),
               PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
               insert into dupTest (a,b,c) values (1,2,3),(1,2,3),
       mysql> select * from dupTest;
       select * from dupTest;
       | pkey | a    | b    | c    | timeEnter           |
       |    1 |    1 |    2 |    3 | 2004-04-16 10:55:35 |
       |    2 |    1 |    2 |    3 | 2004-04-16 10:55:35 |
       |    3 |    1 |    5 |    4 | 2004-04-16 10:55:35 |
       |    4 |    1 |    6 |    4 | 2004-04-16 10:55:35 |
       4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
       Note, the first two rows contains duplicates in columns a and b. It contains
       other duplicates; but, leaves the other duplicates alone.
          mysql> ALTER IGNORE TABLE  dupTest ADD UNIQUE INDEX(a,b);
          mysql> select * from dupTest;
          select * from dupTest;
          | pkey | a    | b    | c    | timeEnter           |
          |    1 |    1 |    2 |    3 | 2004-04-16 11:11:42 |
          |    3 |    1 |    5 |    4 | 2004-04-16 11:11:42 |
          |    4 |    1 |    6 |    4 | 2004-04-16 11:11:42 |
          3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
TIP 6:
     Show status information on a table. Note, if the database was started
     with --safe-show-database or --skip-show-database some of these commands
     may not work. Note the "\G" option may provide a nicer format.
     Show the create statement:
               mysql> show create table dupTest\G
               show create table dupTest\G
               *************************** 1. row ***************************
                      Table: dupTest
               Create Table: CREATE TABLE `dupTest` (
                 `pkey` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                 `a` int(11) default NULL,
                 `b` int(11) default NULL,
                 `c` int(11) default NULL,
                 `timeEnter` timestamp NOT NULL,
                 PRIMARY KEY  (`pkey`),
                 UNIQUE KEY `a` (`a`,`b`)
               ) TYPE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1
               1 row in set (0.00 sec)

TIP 7:
     Transactions: Not all table types support transactions. BDB and INNODB type do support transactions.
     Assuming the server has NOT been started with --skip-bdb or --skip-innodb the following should work:
          mysql> create table tran_test (a int, b int) type = InnoDB;
          mysql> begin;
          mysql> insert into tran_test (a,b) values (1,2);
          mysql> select * from tran_test;
          select * from tran_test;
          | a    | b    |
          |    1 |    2 |
          1 row in set (0.00 sec)
          mysql> rollback;
          mysql> select * from tran_test;
          select * from tran_test;
          Empty set (0.00 sec)

     Summary: rollback undoes everything and commit will save.
TIP 8:
     MERGE:  Several tables can be merged into one.
        CREATE TABLE log_01 (
           pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
           a int,
           b varchar(12),
           timeEnter timestamp(14),
           PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
         ) type=MyISAM;
        CREATE TABLE log_02 (
           pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
           a int,
           b varchar(12),
           timeEnter timestamp(14),
           PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
         ) type=MyISAM;
        CREATE TABLE log_summary (
           pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
           a int,
           b varchar(12),
           timeEnter timestamp(14),
           PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
         ) type=MERGE UNION(log_01,log_02) INSERT_METHOD=LAST;
         mysql> insert into log_01 (a,b) values (1,'log1');
         mysql> insert into log_02 (a,b) values (1,'log2');
         mysql> select * from log_summary;
         select * from log_summary;
         | pkey | a    | b    | timeEnter           |
         |    1 |    1 | log1 | 2004-04-16 11:59:55 |
         |    1 |    1 | log2 | 2004-04-16 12:00:08 |
         2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
TIP 9:
     Updating foreign keys in a multiuser environment. Using LAST_INSERT_ID().
     Also see (TIP 29) after reading this.
     The LAST_INSERT_ID() is unique to the login session. This allows updating
     of foreign keys.
        CREATE TABLE keytest (
           pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
           ptext text,
           ptype int(11),
           timeEnter timestamp(14),
           PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
        CREATE TABLE foreignkeytest (
            pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
            pkeykeytest int(11) NOT NULL,
            ptext text,
            ptype int(11),
            timeEnter timestamp(14),
            PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
        mysql> insert into keytest(ptext,ptype) values ('one',1);
        mysql> select LAST_INSERT_ID() from keytest;
        | last_insert_id() |
        |                1 |
        1 row in set (0.03 sec)
       mysql> insert into foreignkeytest (ptext,pkeykeytest) values ('one',LAST_INSERT_ID());
       Note: If your session didn't update any records, LAST_INSERT_ID() will be zero.  Never
       assume LAST_INSERT_ID()+1 will be the next record.  If another session inserts a record,
       this value may be taken. You are assured that this value will be unique to the "session".
       **SPECIAL NOTE:  MySQL 4.1.2. supports UUID.
             mysql> select uuid();
      | uuid()                               |
      | 167c1afe-0a0f-1027-891e-0004e222b485 |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
          "A UUID is designed as a number that is globally unique in space and time.
           Two calls to UUID() are expected to generate two different values, even if
           these calls are performed on two separate computers that are not
           connected to each other."
       So in the future, UUID() could be used as a better primary key. The advantage
       being tables from a one server could be up-loaded to a second server without
       worrying about duplicate keys.
TIP 10:
      Monitor port 3306:
        tcpdump  -i eth0 -nN -vvv -xX  -s 1500  port 3306 and host not
      The -s is length of each packet. This monitors all traffic on port 3306 excluding
      the good client  The out will be in the following format:

[root@third-fl-71 root]# tcpdump  -i eth0 -nN -vvv -xX  -s 1500  port 3306 and host not
tcpdump: listening on eth0
13:05:01.857705 > S [tcp sum ok] 2542149285:2542149285(0) win 16384 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackO
0x0000   4500 0030 0b39 4000 8006 6b90 c0a8 0167        E..0.9@...k....g
0x0010   c0a8 0147 1023 0cea 9786 1ea5 0000 0000        ...G.#..........
0x0020   7002 4000 ebe7 0000 0204 05b4 0101 0402        p.@.............
13:05:04.863552 > S [tcp sum ok] 2542149285:2542149285(0) win 16384 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackO
TIP 11:
     Create a C or C++ API
     Download the following:
     Also reference:
TIP 12:
     Connect and Select from Java
     //   mysql-connector-java-3.0.11-stable-bin.jar or later must be downloaded
     //   and installed from:
     //   Edit to include your username and password:
     //      String userName = "yourusername";
     //      String password = "passord";
     //   Compile:
     //     javac
     //      (or you can also use GCC's gcj  "gcj -C")
     //   Run:
     //     java Select
     //   The program above assumes "exams" has been created in
     //   the "test" database. If you create "exams" change the
     //   select statment to read:
     //       SELECT pkey,name,exam,score FROM yourdatabase.exams
     //         CREATE TABLE exams (
     //           pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
     //           name varchar(15),
     //           exam int,
     //           score int,
     //           PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
     //         );
     //         insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',1,75);
     //         insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',2,77);
     //         insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',3,78);
     //         insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',4,80);
     //         insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',1,90);
     //         insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',2,97);
     //         insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',3,98);
     //         insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',4,99);
     import java.sql.*;
     public class Select
       public static void main (String[ ] args)
           Connection conn = null;
           String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/";
           String userName = "username1";
           String password = "password1";
            Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance ( );
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, userName, password);
            // System.out.println ("Connected");
            Statement s = conn.createStatement ( );
            s.executeQuery ("SELECT pkey,name,exam,score FROM test.exams");
            ResultSet rs = s.getResultSet ( );
            int count = 0;
               while ( ( ))  // loop through rows of result set
                 int pkey = rs.getInt (1);
                 String name = rs.getString(2);
                 int exam = rs.getInt(3);
                 int score = rs.getInt(4);
                 System.out.println (count + ",inum: " + pkey + ",name: " +
                   name + ",exam: " + exam + ",score: " + score );
              rs.close ( );    // close result set
              s.close ( );     // close statement
              System.out.println (count + " rows were returned");
           catch (Exception e)
              System.err.println ("Cannot connect to server"+e);
              if (conn != null)
                   conn.close ( );
                // System.out.println ("Disconnected");  /* for debugging */
               catch (Exception e) { /* ignore close errors */ }
TIP 13:
     Print defaults for the current client connection

            $ my_print_defaults client mysql
     Note, for client connections, you can put setting in
     the user's .my.cnf file. This file is located in their
     home directory.

     Example file that stores the user and password plus
             ssl settings that will connect to the remote

        Reference tip 38 on setting up ssl connections.
TIP 14:
     Quick Status:
     mysql> \s
     /usr/local/bin/mysql  Ver 14.3 Distrib 4.1.1-alpha, for pc-linux (i686)
     Connection id:          642
     Current database:
     Current user:           prog@localhost
     SSL:                    Not in use
     Current pager:          stdout
     Using outfile:          ''
     Using delimiter:        ;
     Server version:         4.1.1-alpha-log
     Protocol version:       10
     Connection:             Localhost via UNIX socket
     Client characterset:    latin1_swedish_ci
     Server characterset:    latin1_swedish_ci
     UNIX socket:            /tmp/mysql.sock
     Uptime:                 1 day 15 hours 24 min 38 sec
     Threads: 1  Questions: 4896  Slow queries: 0
     Opens: 14  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 8  Queries per second avg: 0.035
TIP 15:
     "error: 1016: Can't open file:" If it's from an orphaned file, not in the database
     but on disk, then, the disk file may need to be deleted.
     myisamchk can help with damaged files.  It's best to stop the database.
         # su -
         # mysqladmin shutdown
         # cd /usr/local/var/database
         # myisamchk *
         # /etc/init.d/mysql restart
TIP 16:
     Finding records that do not match between two tables.
          CREATE TABLE bookreport (
            b_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
            s_id int(11) NOT NULL,
            report varchar(50),
            PRIMARY KEY  (b_id)
          CREATE TABLE student (
            s_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
            name varchar(15),
            PRIMARY KEY  (s_id)

          insert into student (name) values ('bob');
          insert into bookreport (s_id,report)
            values ( last_insert_id(),'A Death in the Family');
          insert into student (name) values ('sue');
          insert into bookreport (s_id,report)
            values ( last_insert_id(),'Go Tell It On the Mountain');
          insert into student (name) values ('doug');
          insert into bookreport (s_id,report)
            values ( last_insert_id(),'The Red Badge of Courage');
          insert into student (name) values ('tom');

     To find the sudents where are missing reports:
          select from student s
            left outer join bookreport b on s.s_id = b.s_id
          where b.s_id is null;
              | name |
              | tom  |
              1 row in set (0.00 sec)

     Ok, next suppose there is an orphan record in
     in bookreport. First delete a matching record
     in student:
       delete from student where s_id in (select max(s_id) from bookreport);
     Now, how to find which one is orphaned:
       select * from bookreport b left outer join
       student s on b.s_id=s.s_id where s.s_id is null;
     | b_id | s_id | report                   | s_id | name |
     |    4 |    4 | The Red Badge of Courage | NULL | NULL |
     1 row in set (0.00 sec)
     To clean things up (Note in 4.1 you can't do subquery on
     same table in a delete so it has to be done in 2 steps):
       select @t_sid:=b.s_id from bookreport b left outer join
         student s on b.s_id=s.s_id where s.s_id is null;
       delete from student where s_id=@t_sid;

     But, functions do work in delete.  For instance the
     following is possible:
        delete from student where s_id=max(s_id);

     It just a problem when joining the table where the
     delete will occur with another table. Another
     option is two create a second temp table and
     locking the first one.
TIP 17:
     Getting a random roll of the dice:
          CREATE TABLE dice (
            d_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
            roll int,
            PRIMARY KEY  (d_id)
          insert into dice (roll) values (1);
          insert into dice (roll) values (2);
          insert into dice (roll) values (3);
          insert into dice (roll) values (4);
          insert into dice (roll) values (5);
          insert into dice (roll) values (6);

          select roll from dice order by rand() limit 1;
TIP 18:
     Creating and using your own password file.
     This assumes MySQL has been configured with SSL support [ ./configure --with-openssl ]
       CREATE TABLE password (
         p_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
         id varchar(20),
         valid enum('y','n'),
         password BLOB,
         timeEnter timestamp,
         PRIMARY KEY  (p_id)

       insert into password (id,password)
                values ('bob',des_encrypt('secret','somekey'));
       insert into password (id,password)
                values ('tom',des_encrypt('password','somekey'));
       insert into password (id,password)
                values ('kate',des_encrypt('desmark','somekey'));
       insert into password (id,password)
                values ('tim',des_encrypt('tim','somekey'));
       insert into password (id,password)
                values ('sue',des_encrypt('SUM','somekey'));
       insert into password (id,password)
                values ('john',des_encrypt('dotgo86','somekey'));
       insert into password (id)
                values ('randal');

       mysql>   select id,des_decrypt(password,'somekey') from password;
       | id     | des_decrypt(password,'somekey') |
       | bob    | secret                          |
       | tom    | password                        |
       | kate   | desmark                         |
       | tim    | tim                             |
       | sue    | SUM                             |
       | john   | dotgo86                         |
       | randal | NULL                            |
       7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
        Note the bad passwords in the file ('secret','password', and
        password is the same as the id.
        The following update statement will fill in the
        value for valid:

          update password set valid =
                  find_in_set( lcase( des_decrypt(password,'somekey'))
                   find_in_set( lcase( des_decrypt(password,'somekey'))

     Which gives the following:
             mysql> select id,valid from password;
             select id,valid from password;
             | id     | valid |
             | bob    | n     |
             | tom    | n     |
             | kate   | y     |
             | tim    | n     |
             | sue    | y     |
             | john   | y     |
             | randal | n     |
             7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

     To understand it, try taking the following select apart:
                  find_in_set( lcase( des_decrypt(password,'somekey'))
                   find_in_set( lcase( des_decrypt(password,'somekey'))
           as valid
           from password;
TIP 19:
     Order in the count:
         create table a (a varchar(10));
         insert into a values ('a'),('a'),('b'),('c');
        select a,count(a) as count from a group by a order by count;
            | a    | count |
            | b    |     1 |
            | c    |     1 |
            | a    |     2 |
            3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
                       See above name the function  ------v
       select a,count(a)  from a group by a order by count(a);
              ERROR 1111 (HY000): Invalid use of group function
TIP 20:
     Installation: configured for encryption, C API, and user defined functions.
        ./configure --with-openssl --enable-thread-safe-client --with-mysqld-ldflags=-rdynamic

     The --with-openssl is very helpful for creating your own
     password file.  Also, if doing C API, having thread safe
     calls "could" come in's what I use.
     See (TIP 27) for user defined functions.
     Complete Steps:
     shell> groupadd mysql
     shell> useradd -g mysql mysql
     shell> cd mysql-VERSION
     shell> ./configure --with-openssl --enable-thread-safe-client --with-mysqld-ldflags=-rdynamic
     shell> make
     shell> make install
     shell> cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
     shell> cd /usr/local/mysql
     shell> bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
     shell> chown -R root  .
     shell> chown -R mysql var
     shell> chgrp -R mysql .
     shell> bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
     See (TIP 25) for configuring the log-bin and log files in /etc/my.cnf
     Installing mysql so that it will startup automatically.
     This also enables it to be restarted, "/etc/init/mysql restart".
  cp ./support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql
  cd /etc/rc3.d
  ln -s ../init.d/mysql S85mysql
  ln -s ../init.d/mysql K85mysql
  cd /etc/rc5.d
  ln -s ../init.d/mysql S85mysql
  ln -s ../init.d/mysql K85mysql
  cd ../init.d
  chmod 755 mysql

         Deleting any blank users or passwords, and creating a valid
         user is shown below.
         STEP 1:
           First, connect to the mysql database
           with the connect command:
             mysql> connect mysql;
         STEP 2:
           Next, delete all blank accounts and/or
           global host listing:
            mysql> DELETE FROM user WHERE User = '';
            mysql> DELETE FROM db WHERE Host = '%';
         STEP 3:
           Delete any accounts with blank passwords:
            mysql> DELETE FROM user where password='';
         STEP 4:
           Create a valid admin account. The example
           here creates admin1.
            mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO admin1@localhost
                   IDENTIFIED BY 's3cr3tpass45' WITH GRANT OPTION;
                  or if you want the account to get access from
                  any host.
            mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO admin1@"%"
                   IDENTIFIED BY 's3cr3tpass45' WITH GRANT OPTION;
          STEP 5:
            Restart the server "/etc/init.d/mysql restart"
TIP 21:
     Getting 1 matching row from an OUTER join
     CREATE TABLE parent (
       pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
       pname varchar(5),
       timeEnter timestamp,
       PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
     CREATE TABLE child (
       ckey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
       pkey int(11) NOT NULL,
       cname varchar(5),
       timeEnter timestamp,
       PRIMARY KEY  (ckey)
     insert into parent(pname) values ('A');
     select @a_lid:=last_insert_id();
     insert into child(pkey,cname) values (@a_lid,'a1');
     insert into child(pkey,cname) values (@a_lid,'a2');
     insert into child(pkey,cname) values (@a_lid,'a3');
     insert into parent(pname) values ('B');
     select @a_lid:=last_insert_id();
     insert into child(pkey,cname) values (@a_lid,'b1');
     insert into child(pkey,cname) values (@a_lid,'b2');
     insert into parent(pname) values ('C');

     mysql> select p.*,c.cname,count(c.pkey) as number
             from parent p left outer join child c on p.pkey=c.pkey
                  where c.pkey is not null group by c.pkey;
     | pkey | pname | timeEnter           | cname | number |
     |    5 | A     | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 | a1    |      3 |
     |    6 | B     | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 | b1    |      2 |
     2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
     For comparison, here is a listing of all the matching data:
     mysql> select * from parent p left outer join child c on p.pkey=c.pkey  where c.pkey is not null;
     select * from parent p left outer join child c on p.pkey=c.pkey  where c.pkey is not null;
     | pkey | pname | timeEnter           | ckey | pkey | cname | timeEnter           |
     |    5 | A     | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |    7 |    5 | a1    | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |
     |    5 | A     | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |    8 |    5 | a2    | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |
     |    5 | A     | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |    9 |    5 | a3    | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |
     |    6 | B     | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |   10 |    6 | b1    | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |
     |    6 | B     | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |   11 |    6 | b2    | 2004-04-28 09:56:59 |
     5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
TIP 22:
   Getting a virtual row count.
   Assume the following table:
          CREATE TABLE student (
            s_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
            name varchar(15),
            PRIMARY KEY  (s_id)
   Add some rows and delete (just to convice you this works in all cases)
         insert into student (name) values ('tom');
         insert into student (name) values ('bob');
         insert into student (name) values ('sue');
         insert into student (name) values ('mike');
         insert into student (name) values ('joe');
         insert into student (name) values ('zoe');
         insert into student (name) values ('harpo');
         delete from  student where name = 'bob';
   Now, note mc is the row count...independent of s_id;

         select,sum(1) as mc
                from student a, student b
                where a.s_id <= b.s_id
                group by a.s_id,  order by mc;
         | name  | mc   |
         | harpo |    1 |
         | zoe   |    2 |
         | joe   |    3 |
         | mike  |    4 |
         | sue   |    5 |
         | tom   |    6 |
         6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      *Note: SEE ( TIP 27 ), using the sequence function.
TIP 23:
   Computing running and sliding aggregates. Assume the following table
   and data:
          CREATE TABLE dice (
            d_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
            roll int,
            PRIMARY KEY  (d_id)
          insert into dice (roll) values (1);
          insert into dice (roll) values (2);
          insert into dice (roll) values (3);
          insert into dice (roll) values (4);
          insert into dice (roll) values (5);
          insert into dice (roll) values (6);

   The following gives a running sum:
   mysql> select a.roll, sum(b.roll) from dice a, dice b
                 where b.d_id <= a.d_id group by a.d_id, a.roll;
   | roll | sum(b.roll) |
   |    1 |           1 |
   |    2 |           3 |
   |    3 |           6 |
   |    4 |          10 |
   |    5 |          15 |
   |    6 |          21 |
   6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

   Note, it's also possible to get a running average by changing the
   sum to avg as follows:
          mysql> select a.roll, avg(b.roll) from dice a, dice b
                 where b.d_id <= a.d_id group by a.d_id, a.roll;
   | roll | avg(b.roll) |
   |    1 |      1.0000 |
   |    2 |      1.5000 |
   |    3 |      2.0000 |
   |    4 |      2.5000 |
   |    5 |      3.0000 |
   |    6 |      3.5000 |
   6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
TIP 24:
   What commands were executed?  Reading the log files. (By default on 4.1.2 is should
   be setup, but, see TIP 25 to check.)
   The following is an example of the "show binlog events" which will show
   all the inserted and deleted commands.  See "TIP 2:" which shows how to
   clean up or reset with the "reset master".

   mysql> show binlog events;
   show binlog events;
   | Log_name               | Pos | Event_type | Server_id | Orig_log_pos | Info                                       |
   | third-fl-71-bin.000001 |   4 | Start      |         1 |            4 | Server ver: 4.1.1-alpha-log, Binlog ver: 3 |
   | third-fl-71-bin.000001 |  79 | Query      |         1 |           79 | use `test`; create table j2 (a int)        |
   | third-fl-71-bin.000001 | 137 | Query      |         1 |          137 | use `test`; insert into j2 (a) values (3)  |
   | third-fl-71-bin.000001 | 201 | Query      |         1 |          201 | use `test`; insert into j2 (a) values (9)  |
   | third-fl-71-bin.000001 | 265 | Query      |         1 |          265 | use `test`; delete from j2 where a=3       |
   5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
   Note that the logfiles by default are located in "/usr/local/var" (see TIP 25:) or execute "mysql> show variables" and look
   for the entry under the datadir. It's possible to query specific logfiles if they exist:
     mysql> show binlog events in 'third-fl-71-bin.000001';
   It's also possible to specify the start position and limit the number of records as follows:
    mysql> show binlog events from 201 limit 2;
    show binlog events from 201 limit 2;
    | Log_name               | Pos | Event_type | Server_id | Orig_log_pos | Info                                      |
    | third-fl-71-bin.000001 | 201 | Query      |         1 |          201 | use `test`; insert into j2 (a) values (9) |
    | third-fl-71-bin.000001 | 265 | Query      |         1 |          265 | use `test`; delete from j2 where a=3      |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

   Or, from the command line:
       $ mysqlbinlog  <logfile>
   Another option is writing a C api.  For a complete example of this (selectbinlog.c) download the following:
       or take a peek at
   This sample "selectbinlog.c" selects only the "Query" events.  The code is pretty simple.
   FYI: If you do a lot of tracking, you may want to write the information to a Berkeley DB.
   Contrary to the name Berkeley DB is not a database but a hash, or there is an option for
   b-tree format.  MySQL can use Berkeley DB for the underlying table structure. It's very fast,
   and you won't get logs of your logs.  If you're using Linux, Berkeley DB is already installed
   on your system.  Ok, so how does one use Berkeley DB? Samples can be found at the following
   link.  Look for berkeleydb_0.x.x.tar.gz at the following link
   The newer version of Berkeley DB also supports encryption.  Berkeley DB is open source
   and can be downloaded from the following:
   NOTE: MySQL uses Berkeley DB if configured for it
            ./configure --with-berkeley-db
         And tables are created with the "ENGINE" or "TYPE"
            CREATE TABLE b (i INT) ENGINE = BDB;
            CREATE TABLE b (i INT) TYPE = BDB;
TIP 25:
   Setting the binary log file.  This can be configured in /etc/my.cnf
        # The MySQL server
        port            = 3306
        socket          = /tmp/mysql.sock
        log-bin         = /usr/local/var/mysqlLOGb.log
        log             = /usr/local/var/mysqlLOG.log
   or for the default hostname just log-bin
    port            = 3306
 socket          = /tmp/mysql.sock
   IMPORTANT: The default my.cnf has a "log-bin" entry.  Make sure it is not listed twice.
   It's also possible to set the text log file.  Note both "log-bin" and "log" are set here:
 port            = 3306
 socket          = /tmp/mysql.sock
 log-bin         = /usr/local/var/mysqlLOGb.log
 log             = /usr/local/var/mysqlLOG.log
   Note, (see TIP 24:) the binary log file works with the "show binlog events command" and shows, updates,
   creates, deletes, and drops, but no select statements. In contrast, the  text log-file "/usr/local/var/mysqlLOG.log"
   shows the user, and the select statement, all of the above, but it's in a text file.  I believe the text
   format is going away with version 5.0.
   The following command "DOES NOT" give information about these log files:
      mysql> show logs;
   This is only for Berkeley DB type databases before commit on this type of table.  It's not what you want!
TIP 26:
   Free articles and tutorials on normalization.
TIP 27:
   Adding and Compiling a User-Defined function.
   Here are some examples that can be compiled and used with MySQL 4.1. See below for how to install.
   First, just a taste of what they look like:
            mysql> select lookup("");
     select lookup("");
        | lookup("") |
     |          |
     1 row in set (0.02 sec)
            mysql> select reverse_lookup("216.109.118
     select reverse_lookup("");
        | reverse_lookup("") |
     |            |
     1 row in set (0.02 sec)
            mysql> select sequence(3);
     select sequence(3);
     | sequence(3) |
     |           4 |
     1 row in set (0.01 sec)
     mysql> select sequence(sequence(3));
     select sequence(sequence(3));
     | sequence(sequence(3)) |
     |                     5 |
     1 row in set (0.00 sec)
     mysql> select sequence(3.4);
     select sequence(3.4);
     | sequence(3.4) |
     |             4 |
     1 row in set (0.00 sec)

            mysql> create table junk (a varchar(1));
            mysql> insert into junk (a) values ('a'),('b'),('c'),('d'),('e');
    mysql> select sequence(),a from junk;
    select sequence(),a from junk;
    | sequence() | a    |
    |          1 | a    |
    |          2 | b    |
    |          3 | c    |
    |          4 | d    |
    |          5 | e    |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      An example of an aggregate function:

            mysql> create table cost (inum int, cost double);
     create table cost (inum int, cost double);
     Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
     mysql> insert into cost (inum,cost) values (3,4.5);
     insert into cost (inum,cost) values (3,4.5);
     Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
     mysql> insert into cost (inum,cost) values (10,21.3);
     insert into cost (inum,cost) values (10,21.3);
     Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
     mysql> select avgcost(inum,cost) from cost;
     select avgcost(inum,cost) from cost;
     | avgcost(inum,cost) |
     |            17.4231 |
     1 row in set (0.00 sec)
   For best results mysql-4.1.2-alpha or above configured with the following option:
   The full line of my configure is as follows since I use openssl as well.
   STEP A:
        ./configure --with-openssl --enable-thread-safe-client --with-mysqld-ldflags=-rdynamic
        make install
        /etc/init.d/mysql restart
        (Note: if "/etc/init.d/mysql" does not exist see (TIP 20:) )
   STEP B:
        Under "mysql-4.1.2-alpha/sql"  issue the following command.
          # make
   STEP C:
        As root copy the file to a directory where mysql can find it.
          # cp /usr/lib/
   STEP D:
        Load mysql.  You may want to look at, since it as instructions
        as well.  From here issue the following commands:
            mysql>  CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "";
     mysql>  CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME "";
     mysql>  CREATE FUNCTION reverse_lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME "";
        And the functions can be deleted by the following:
            mysql>  DROP FUNCTION metaphon;
            mysql>  DROP FUNCTION myfunc_double;
            mysql>  DROP FUNCTION myfunc_int;
            mysql>  DROP FUNCTION lookup;
            mysql>  DROP FUNCTION reverse_lookup;
            mysql>  DROP FUNCTION avgcost;

       That's it.  Just run the functions above.  These can serve as templates for writing
       your own.

TIP 28:
   Loading Data into Tables from Text Files.
   Assume you have the following table.

            CREATE TABLE loadtest (
                pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                name varchar(20),
                exam int,
                score int,
                timeEnter timestamp(14),
                PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
    And you have the following formatted text file as shown
    below with the unix "tail" command:
          $ tail /tmp/out.txt
    NOTE: loadtest contains the "pkey" and "timeEnter" fields which are not
    present in the "/tmp/out.txt" file. Therefore, to successfully load
    the specific fields issue the following:
         mysql> load data infile '/tmp/out.txt' into table loadtest
                  fields terminated by ',' (name,exam,score);
TIP 29:
   Referential Integrity with InnoDB tables.
   STEP 1 (First create the tables as InnoDB)

       CREATE TABLE agents (
             akey INTEGER NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
             ln   varchar(30),
             fn   varchar(25),
             phone varchar(20),
             timeEnter timestamp(14))
             ENGINE = InnoDB;
       CREATE TABLE clients (
             ckey INTEGER NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
             f_akey INTEGER NOT NULL,
             ln   varchar(30),
             fn   varchar(25),
             phone varchar(20),
             FOREIGN KEY (f_akey) REFERENCES agents(akey))
             ENGINE = InnoDB;

   STEP 2 (Insert entries -- successful way).
          mysql> insert into agents (ln,fn,phone) values  ('Anderson','Bob','215-782-2134');
        mysql> select @ckey:=last_insert_id();
        mysql> insert into clients  (f_akey,ln,fn,phone)
                        values  (@ckey,'Chirico','Abby','215-782-2353');
        myslq> insert into clients  (f_akey,ln,fn,phone)
                        values  (@ckey,'Payne','Zoe','215-782-2352');
        The "last_insert_id()" must be assigned to a variable, because the client entries
        for the two client keys have the same agent.  After the first insert into the client
        table "last_insert_id()" is incremented, reflecting the new add to the client table.

   STEP 3 (Try to insert a client record without a matching agent  -- unsuccessful way)

          mysql> insert into agents (ln,fn,phone) values  ('Splat','Sporkey','215-782-9987');
              Above is ok
        myslq> insert into clients  (f_akey,ln,fn,phone)
                        values  (last_insert_id(),'Landis','Susan','215-782-5222');
              Above Ok for the first record, but, below last_insert_id() has been
              incremented and the insert will be incorrect. And probably fail,
              if there is no matching "akey"  in agents.
        myslq> insert into clients  (f_akey,ln,fn,phone)
                        values  (last_insert_id(),'Landis','Brian','215-782-5222');
   SPECIAL NOTE (The "clients" table must be dropped before the "agents" table)

TIP 30:
    Is it Possible to do Incremental Backups? And is it possible to restore
    changes for only one user? See TIP 24 and TIP 25 for setting up and
    using "binlog" and the text log. NOTE: "mysql> show logs;" IS NOT a status
    on these log files -- it's only for Berkeley DB.

    From the shell prompt "mysqlbinlog" will list all the changes. Note your
    binary log file may be in a different directory, and have a different name
    depending on the setting in /etc/my.cnf
      $ mysqlbinlog /usr/local/var/mysqlLOGbin.000001
      #040616  8:41:23 server id 1  log_pos 17465     Query   thread_id=384
      SET TIMESTAMP=1087389683;
      CREATE TABLE exams (
                pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                name varchar(15) default NULL,
                exam int(11) default NULL,
                score int(11) default NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
              ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
      # at 17761
      #040616  8:41:50 server id 1  log_pos 17761     Intvar
      SET INSERT_ID=1;
      # at 17789
      #040616  8:41:50 server id 1  log_pos 17789     Query   thread_id=384
      SET TIMESTAMP=1087389710;
      insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',1,75);
      # at 17879
      #040616  8:41:50 server id 1  log_pos 17879     Intvar
      # at 18615
      #040616  8:41:50 server id 1  log_pos 18615  Query thread_id=384
      SET TIMESTAMP=1087389710;
      insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',4,99);
      # at 18705
      #040616  8:52:35 server id 1  log_pos 18705  Intvar
      SET INSERT_ID=23000010;
      # at 18733
      # LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/out.txt' INTO TABLE `loadtest` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','..[SNIPPED]
      # file_id: 1  block_len: 200
    Note the thread_id "384", session "040616", TIMESTAMP vales, and actual sql
    statements. With grep, awk, or sed it's possible to weed out unwanted queries.
    This assumes you have a base, or a "full restore" starting point.
    Compare above to the actual commands listed here:
     CREATE TABLE exams (
          pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
          name varchar(15) default NULL,
          exam int(11) default NULL,
          score int(11) default NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
        ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
     insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',1,75);
     insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',2,77);
     insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',3,78);
     insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',4,80);
     insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',1,90);
     insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',2,97);
     insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',3,98);
     insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',4,99);
         mysql> load data infile '/tmp/out.txt' into table exams
                  fields terminated by ',' (name,exam,score);

TIP 31:
     Getting XML and HTML output.
     Assume you have the table "exams" in the database "test".
     Then, the following will give you XML output if executed
     from the shell prompt with the "-X" option. For html output
     use the "-H" option.
       $ mysql -X -e "select * from exams" test
               <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <resultset statement="select * from exams

     Or, (-N is depreciated so use --skip-column-names ) for no heading:
       $ mysql --skip-column-names -e "select * from exams" test
        | 1 |  Bob |    1 |   75 |
        | 2 |  Bob |    2 |   77 |
        | 3 |  Bob |    3 |   78 |
        | 4 |  Bob |    4 |   80 |
        | 5 |  Sue |    1 |   90 |
        | 6 |  Sue |    2 |   97 |
        | 7 |  Sue |    3 |   98 |
        | 8 |  Sue |    4 |   99 |
     And, add the "-s" silent option to get the following:

       $ mysql --skip-column-names -s -e "select * from exams" test
              1       Bob     1       75
       2       Bob     2       77
       3       Bob     3       78
       4       Bob     4       80
       5       Sue     1       90
       6       Sue     2       97
       7       Sue     3       98
       8       Sue     4       99

     To prevent being prompted for a password. Create "/home/chirico/.my.cnf"
     with password and user.  An example is shown below. Unless a user
     is entered "piggy" it will default to "chirico", this user.
     Use this method. It will not show up when doing "ps -aux"

TIP 32:
     Views?  Can you do a "create view" in MySQL? No. Not until version 5.

TIP 33:
     Spatial Extensions - MySQL 4.1 supports spatial extensions.
     Getting the X value of a point.
       mysql> SELECT X(GeomFromText('Point(5.02 7.9)'));
       | X(GeomFromText('Point(5.02 7.9)')) |
       |                               5.02 |
       1 row in set (0.00 sec)
     Note that a comma separates points, and the x,y values are separated by spaces.
     Getting the length of a line.
                     (1 1)
               (0 0)
         mysql> SELECT GLength(GeomFromText('LineString(0 0,1 1)'));
         | GLength(GeomFromText('LineString(0 0,1 1)')) |
         |                              1.4142135623731 |
     Getting the total length of all the lines making a step.
                  (2 1) ---- (2 2)
             (1 0) ---- (1 1)
             (0 0)

   mysql> SELECT GLength(GeomFromText('LineString(0 0,1 0,1 1,1 2,2 2)'));
   | GLength(GeomFromText('LineString(0 0,1 0,1 1,1 2,2 2)')) |
   |                                                        4 |
      Or the perimiter of the following triangle:
                    (1 1)
                     / \
                   /     \
           (0 0) /________ \ (2 0)

          mysql> SELECT GLength(GeomFromText('LineString(0 0,1 1,2 0,0 0)'));
   | GLength(GeomFromText('LineString(0 0,1 1,2 0,0 0)')) |
   |                                      4.8284271247462 |
     Note the following select statement is a 5x5 square with
     left bottom point at 0 0.

            (5 0)            (5 5)
                 |           |
                 |      |
                 |      |
                 |      |
            (0 0)            (0 5)
 mysql> SELECT Area(GeomFromText('Polygon((0 0,0 5,5 5,5 0,0 0))'));
 | Area(GeomFromText('Polygon((0 0,0 5,5 5,5 0,0 0))')) |
 |                                                   25 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
     The area of the inner square "9" minus the area of the outer square "25" is "16".

          5 0  ------------------  5 5
              |  4 1        4 4  |
              |    ----------    |
              |   |          |   |
              |   |          |   |
              |   |          |   |
              |   |          |   |
              |    ----------    |
              |  1 1        1 4  |
          0 0  ------------------  0 5

    mysql> SELECT Area(GeomFromText('Polygon((0 0,0 5,5 5,5 0,0 0),(1 1,1 4,4 4,4 1,1 1))'));
   | Area(GeomFromText('Polygon((0 0,0 5,5 5,5 0,0 0),(1 1,1 4,4 4,4 1,1 1))')) |
   |                                                                         16 |
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)
TIP 34:
     Creating Tables for Spatial Extensions.
           mysql> CREATE TABLE spat (p POINT, g POLYGON, l LINESTRING, geo GEOMETRY );
     Note, GEOMETRY is general and will take the following values:
                    - POINT
                    - POLYGON
                    - LINESTRING
                    - MULTIPOINT
                    - MULTILINESTRING
                    - MULTIPOLYGON
                    - GEOMETRYCOLLECTION
     Inserting values.
           mysql>  INSERT INTO spat (p) VALUES (GeomFromText('POINT(1 2)'));
     Displaying values:
    mysql> select X(p),Y(p) from spat;
    | X(p) | Y(p) |
    |    1 |    2 |
     Note with "geo" it's possible to insert combinations
          mysql> insert into spat(geo) values
                     (GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0)),((5 5,7 5,7 7,5 7, 5 5)))'));
     Now, to see what's in "geo", do the following:
          mysql> select AsText(geo) from spat;
  | AsText(geo)                                                       |
  | POINT(1 2)                                                        |
  | MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0)),((5 5,7 5,7 7,5 7,5 5))) |
  2 rows in set (0.02 sec)
TIP 35:
     Working with Spatial Relationship Functions.
        ... example will follow
TIP 36:
     Difficult Column Names, Like `DATE` -- use backtick.
     If using "date" as a column name, enclose it in backticks ` as follows:
          CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stocks (
              pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
              `date` date,
              ticker varchar(5),
              open float,
              high float,
              low  float,
              close float,
              volume  int,
              timeEnter timestamp(14),
             PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
             ) ;
       To get 1 day old data reference:
     Statement to load data:
          mysql>  load data infile '/tmp/sp500hst.txt' into table stocks
                    fields terminated by ',' (date,ticker,open,high,low,close,volume);
TIP 37:
     Setting up MASTER and SLAVE replication. The master will need to have binary
     logging turned on.
        MASTER (These steps are performed on the mysql installation that you have
                designated as the MASTER). Binary logging needs to be turned on.
                Under the [mysqld] section in the my.cnf file add log-bin. You can
                assign this value to a file. If you assign it to a file, make sure
                the directory exists. My master IP address is with
             Step 1. Turn on binary logging. Create the necessary directories.
                          $ mkdir -p /var/mysql
             Step 2. Restart mysql.
                          $ /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
             Step 3. Create an account on the master that has access to the tables
                   that will be replicated.
                          mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO admin1@"%"
                                IDENTIFIED BY 's3cr3tpass45' WITH GRANT OPTION;
             Step 4. Login to mysql and run the "show master status" command.
                          mysql> show master status;
                          | File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
                          | mysqlLOGb.000021 |      270 |              |                  |
                          1 row in set (0.00 sec)
                     Note the name of the file. In my case it is "mysqlLOGb.000021" and the
                     position. In my case the position is 270. This position will update with
                     changes to you database. You want a quit master to setup master slave

        SLAVE (These steps are performed on the mysql installation that you have
                designated as the SLAVE). Binary logging does not have to be turned
                on; however, it doesn't hurt. If you want all updates logged on the
                slave, including the ones from the master. Then, use log-slave-updates.
             Step 1. Turn on binary logging, including the log-slave-updates. Create
                    necessary directories, and assign a unique server-id.
                          $ mkdir -p /var/mysql
                    The following changes are made in the my.cnf file. By default this
                    is located in /etc/my.cnf
              Step 2. From mysql, in the slave, put in the IP of the
                    Master or the hostname.
                          mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='',
                          START SLAVE;
                          show slave status;
     This will only log future changes from the point that you implemented the
     change above. If you want to get all past changes, execute the following command.
                          mysql> LOAD DATA FROM MASTER;

             1. Make sure the slave can get access to the master. The account must
                allow outside access. Note the grant command above  admin1@"%".
             2. Sometimes the slave will not catch the changes. You must stop the
                  mysql> stop slave;
                Then, run the CHANGE MASTER command above with the correct file name and
TIP 38:
     Setting up ssl connections.
       Step 1. Create your own CA.
         This example is done on Fedora Core 6 as root. Note, I'm using password: "password123", and
         filling in the request for Country Name "US", State "Pennsylvania" respectively. However, the
         extra challenge password is not filled out. Instead, I have just hit return on this option.
         It's very important to record the responses to the questions. Do it in an emacs session, since
         you'll need this information when signing and generating certificates.

                       [root@livingroom ~]# cd
                       [root@livingroom ~]# mkdir -p /root/certs/mysql/CA
                       [root@livingroom CA]# /etc/pki/tls/misc/CA -newca
                       /etc/pki/tls/misc/CA -newca
                       CA certificate filename (or enter to create)

                       Making CA certificate ...
                       Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
                       writing new private key to '../../CA/private/./cakey.pem'
                       Enter PEM pass phrase:password123
                       Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:password123
                       You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
                       into your certificate request.
                       What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
                       There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
                       For some fields there will be a default value,
                       If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
                       Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:US
                       State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:Pennsylvania
                       Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:Elkins Park
                       Elkins Park
                       Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:chirico_Widgets
                       Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:chirico_Widgets
                       Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []
                       Email Address []
                       Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
                       to be sent with your certificate request
                       A challenge password []:
                       An optional company name []:
                       Using configuration from /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf
                       Enter pass phrase for ../../CA/private/./cakey.pem:password123
                       Check that the request matches the signature
                       Signature ok
                       Certificate Details:
                               Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
                                   Not Before: Jan 16 16:21:25 2007 GMT
                                   Not After : Jan 15 16:21:25 2010 GMT
                                   countryName               = US
                                   stateOrProvinceName       = Pennsylvania
                                   organizationName          = chirico_Widgets
                                   organizationalUnitName    = chirico_Widgets
                                   commonName                =
                                   emailAddress              =
                               X509v3 extensions:
                                   X509v3 Basic Constraints:
                                   Netscape Comment:
                                       OpenSSL Generated Certificate
                                   X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
                                   X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
                       Certificate is to be certified until Jan 15 16:21:25 2010 GMT (1095 days)
                       Write out database with 1 new entries
                       Data Base Updated
                       [root@livingroom CA]#
       Step 2. Adjust CA expiration, if desired.
               Change the number of days the certificate is good for. Note above, this certificate is good
               for 1095 days. Which is fine, but if you needed to extend this, you can do it with the following
                    [root@livingroom mysql]#  openssl x509 -in ../CA/cacert.pem -days 3650 -out cacert.pem -signkey ../CA/private/cakey.pem
                    Getting Private key
                    Enter pass phrase for ../CA/private/cakey.pem:password123
       Step 3. Create Server Certificates.
             Here I'm generating two certificates. One for the computer livingroom, and one for the
             computer Generate a unique certificate for each of your servers.

                    # mkdir server_certs
                    # openssl req -new -nodes \
                       -subj '/ Park/'\
                       -keyout livingroomFOO-key.pem -out livingroomFOO-req.pem -days 3650
                    # openssl req -new -nodes \
                       -subj '/ Park/'\
                       -keyout bigFOO-key.pem -out bigFOO-req.pem -days 3650

       Step 4. Sign the certificates. You'll be asked for the password during this step.

                    # openssl ca -days 3650 -out livingroomFOO-cert.pem -infiles livingroomFOO-req.pem
                    # openssl ca -days 3650 -out bigFOO-cert.pem -infiles bigFOO-req.pem

       Step 5. Create a directory for the certs "/etc/mysql" and copy the files.
                   # mkdir -p /etc/mysql
                   # cp /root/certs/CA/cacert.pem /etc/mysql/.
                   # cp /root/certs/mysql/server_certs/*.pem /etc/mysql/.

       Step 6. Edit mysql  my.cnf file. In may case it is "/etc/my.cnf"

       Step 7. Restart mysql
                   # /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

       Step 8. Create a user that requires ssl. This is done in mysql. Do this for each client that
               will need to connect.
                  mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'admin'@'localhost' identified by 'pass32rD' require ssl;
                  mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'admin'@'' identified by 'pass32rD' require ssl;

       Step 9. Create the user's ".my.cnf" file. For example, for user chirico, the following file is created. Note how
               the two servers differ.
                This is done of server livingroom for user chirico.
                  [chirico@livingroom ~]$ cat  /home/chirico/.my.cnf

                  [chirico@big ~]$ cat  /home/zchirico/.my.cnf

       Step 10. Connect to the server.

                 [chirico@big ~]$ mysql
            If you can a value for the Ssl_cipher after you connected, then, your
            connection is secure.
                 mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher';
                 | Variable_name | Value              |
                 | Ssl_cipher    | DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA |
                 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

       Notes: If you're looking for ssl C API examples, download the link below
              and reference the example capi/stmt_exec_ssl.c
TIP 39:
     mysqlshow - A command run from the command prompt that will quickly display database, table and
                 column information.

                  [chirico@big mysql]$ mysqlshow
                  |     Databases      |
                  | information_schema |
                  | admin              |
                  | mysql              |
                  | test               |
     mysql_config - Displays compile time options. Inaddition to what is also shown below, it can
                    be used to show socket, version and cflags information.

                  [chirico@big mysql]$ mysql_config --libs
                  -L/usr/lib64/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -L/usr/lib64 -lssl -lcrypto
                  [chirico@big mysql]$ mysql_config --include
TIP 40:
     Queries through ssh. The server may have port 3306 closed to the outside and or
     access is only granted for local accounts. Given these constraints from a remote
     client, say a laptop, it is possible to perform queries and have the results returned
     to the laptop provided the laptop has ssh access to the server.

     For the purpose of these examples the client computer is and the database computer
         [chirico@laptop ~]$ ssh 'mysql -u user1 --password=s3cr3tpass45 --database=database1 -e "create table t1 (a int)"'

     Below the heading is removed -N and columns are tab separated.
         [chirico@laptop ~]$ ssh 'mysql -N -B -u user1 --password=s3cr3tpass45 --database=database1 -e "select * from t2"'
     A remote mysqldump is shown below.
         [chirico@laptop ~]$ ssh 'mysqldump -u user1 --password=s3cr3tpass45 --database=database1 t1' > localfile
     A perl example is shown below. Note the where clause below and the use of \\\" to escape quotes.
        (To download this example: wget
          #  Created by
          #      Updated: Sat Jan 20 10:06:41 EST 2007
          #  Download:
          #  Shared keys must be setup on target server.
          # Put in Your Values Here.
          my $user="user1";
          my $password="s3cr3tpass45";
          my $database="database1";
          my $remote_server="";
          my $SSH_CMD="ssh $remote_server 'mysql -N -B -u $user --database=$database --password=$password ";
          # MySQL Command - Use \\\ for quotes. See below
          my $MySQL_CMD=" -e \"select * from email where name = \\\"Chirico\\\"  \"'";
          open my $SCMD, "$SSH_CMD $MySQL_CMD|" or die "Could not ssh\n";
              print $_;
          # Files are closed automatically in Perl on exit, but
          # you can close if you like.
          close $SSH_CMD;


LONGWINDED TIP 1: (May want to skip, since it's a long example)
     SQL Characteristic Functions: Do it without "if", "case", or "GROUP_CONCAT".
     Yes, there is use for this..."if" statements sometimes cause problems
     when used in combination.
     The simple secret, and it's also why they work in almost all databases, is the
     following functions:
       o   sign (x) returns -1,0, +1 for values x < 0, x = 0, x > 0 respectively
       o   abs( sign( x) )  returns 0 if x = 0  else, 1 if  x > 0 or x < 0
       o   1-abs( sign( x) ) complement of the above, since this returns 1 only if x = 0
        Quick example:   sign(-1) = -1,  abs( sign(-1) ) = 1,  1-abs( sign(-1) ) = 0
     Data for full example:
           CREATE TABLE exams (
             pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
             name varchar(15),
             exam int,
             score int,
             PRIMARY KEY  (pkey)
           insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',1,75);
           insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',2,77);
           insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',3,78);
           insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Bob',4,80);
           insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',1,90);
           insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',2,97);
           insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',3,98);
           insert into exams (name,exam,score) values ('Sue',4,99);
     mysql> select * from exams;
     | pkey | name | exam | score |
     |    1 | Bob  |    1 |    75 |
     |    2 | Bob  |    2 |    77 |
     |    3 | Bob  |    3 |    78 |
     |    4 | Bob  |    4 |    80 |
     |    5 | Sue  |    1 |    90 |
     |    6 | Sue  |    2 |    97 |
     |    7 | Sue  |    3 |    98 |
     |    8 | Sue  |    4 |    99 |
     8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
     mysql> select name,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-1)))) as exam1,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-2)))) as exam2,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-3)))) as exam3,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-4)))) as exam4
     from exams group by name;
     | name | exam1 | exam2 | exam3 | exam4 |
     | Bob  |    75 |    77 |    78 |    80 |
     | Sue  |    90 |    97 |    98 |    99 |
     2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
     Note, the above pivot table was created with one select statement
     You may think IF's would be cleaner. NO, WATCH OUT!
     Look the following gives INCORRECT RESULTS!
     mysql> select name,
     if(exam=1,score,null) as exam1,
     if(exam=2,score,null) as exam2,
     if(exam=3,score,null) as exam3,
     if(exam=4,score,null) as exam4
     from exams group by name;
     | name | exam1 | exam2 | exam3 | exam4 |
     | Bob  |    75 |  NULL |  NULL |  NULL |
     | Sue  |    90 |  NULL |  NULL |  NULL |
     2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
     Note the above gives indeterminate results.
     Paul DuBois [ paul at ] showed me the correct way to
     perform this select statement. According to him
        When you include a GROUP BY clause in a query, the only values you
 can select are the grouped columns or summary values calculated
 from the groups.  If you display additional columns, they're not
 tied to the grouped columns and the values displayed for them are
 If you rewrite the query like this, you get the correct result:
 select name,
      sum(if(exam=1,score,null)) as exam1,
      sum(if(exam=2,score,null)) as exam2,
      sum(if(exam=3,score,null)) as exam3,
      sum(if(exam=4,score,null)) as exam4
      from exams group by name;
 | name | exam1 | exam2 | exam3 | exam4 |
 | Bob  |    75 |    77 |    78 |    80 |
 | Sue  |    90 |    97 |    98 |    99 |

     mysql> select name,
            sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-1)))) as exam1,
            sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-2)))) as exam2,
            sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-3)))) as exam3,
            sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-4)))) as exam4,
              sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 1)))) as delta_1_2,
              sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2)))) as delta_2_3,
              sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 4)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3)))) as delta_3_4
            from exams group by name;
     | name | exam1 | exam2 | exam3 | exam4 | delta_1_2 | delta_2_3 | delta_3_4 |
     | Bob  |    75 |    77 |    78 |    80 |         2 |         1 |         2 |
     | Sue  |    90 |    97 |    98 |    99 |         7 |         1 |         1 |
     2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
     Above delta_1_2 shows the difference between the first and second exams, with the numbers
     being positive because both Bob and Sue improved their score with each exam.  Calculating
     the deltas here shows it's possible to compare two rows, not columns which is easily done
     with the standard  SQL statements but  rows in the original table.
     mysql>select name,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-1)))) as exam1,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-2)))) as exam2,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-3)))) as exam3,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-4)))) as exam4,
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 1)))) as delta_1_2,
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2)))) as delta_2_3,
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 4)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3)))) as delta_3_4,
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 1))))  +
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2))))  +
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 4)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3))))  as TotalIncPoints
       from exams group by name;
     | name | exam1 | exam2 | exam3 | exam4 | delta_1_2 | delta_2_3 | delta_3_4 | TotalIncPoints |
     | Bob  |    75 |    77 |    78 |    80 |         2 |         1 |         2 |              5 |
     | Sue  |    90 |    97 |    98 |    99 |         7 |         1 |         1 |              9 |
     2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
     TotalIncPoints shows the sum of the deltas.
     select name,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-1)))) as exam1,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-2)))) as exam2,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-3)))) as exam3,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-4)))) as exam4,
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 1)))) as delta_1_2,
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2)))) as delta_2_3,
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 4)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3)))) as delta_3_4,

       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 1))))  +
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 2))))  +
       sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 4)))) -   sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam- 3))))  as TotalIncPoints,
     (sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-1)))) +
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-2)))) +
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-3)))) +
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-4)))))/4 as AVG
     from exams group by name;
     | name | exam1 | exam2 | exam3 | exam4 | delta_1_2 | delta_2_3 | delta_3_4 | TotalIncPoints | AVG   |
     | Bob  |    75 |    77 |    78 |    80 |         2 |         1 |         2 |              5 | 77.50 |
     | Sue  |    90 |    97 |    98 |    99 |         7 |         1 |         1 |              9 | 96.00 |
     2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
     It's possible to combine Total Increasing Point TotalIncPoints with AVG.  In fact, it's possible to combine
     all of the example cuts of the data into one SQL statement, which provides additional options for displaying
     data on your page
     select name,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-1)))) as exam1,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-2)))) as exam2,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-3)))) as exam3,
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-4)))) as exam4,
     (sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-1)))) +
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-2)))))/2  as AVG1_2,
     (sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-2)))) +
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-3)))))/2 as AVG2_3,
     (sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-3)))) +
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-4)))))/2 as AVG3_4,
     (sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-1)))) +
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-2)))) +
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-3)))) +
     sum(score*(1-abs(sign(exam-4)))))/4 as AVG
     from exams group by name;
     | name | exam1 | exam2 | exam3 | exam4 | AVG1_2 | AVG2_3 | AVG3_4 | AVG   |
     | Bob  |    75 |    77 |    78 |    80 |  76.00 |  77.50 |  79.00 | 77.50 |
     | Sue  |    90 |    97 |    98 |    99 |  93.50 |  97.50 |  98.50 | 96.00 |
     2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
     Exam scores are listing along with moving averages...again it's all with one
     select statement.
Good article on "Cross tabulations" or de-normalizing data to show stats:
See (TIP 26:) for links on normalization.
Berkeley DB sample programs:
 Look for berkeleydb_0.0.24.tar.gz or the latest version at:
    "MySQL: The definitive guide to using, programming, and administering MySQL 4.1 and 5.0, Third Edition",
         Paul DuBois, Sams, Pub Date: March 08, 2005. ISBN: 978-0-672-32673-8
    "MySQL Cookbook", Paul DuBois, O'Reilly, ISBN: 0-596-00145-2
    "High Performance MySQL", Derek J. Balling, Jeremy Zawodny, ISBN: 0-596-00306-4
    "Database Design for Mere Mortals", Michael J. Hernandez, Addison-Wesley
    "Securing MySQL: step-by-step",Artur Maj  (See link below)
Other Tutorials
Breaking Firewalls with OpenSSH and PuTTY: If the system administrator deliberately filters out all traffic except port 22 (ssh), to a single server, it is very likely that you can still gain access other computers behind the firewall. This article shows how remote Linux and Windows users can gain access to firewalled samba, mail, and http servers. In essence, it shows how openSSH and Putty can be used as a VPN solution for your home or workplace.
Create a Live Linux CD - BusyBox and OpenSSH Included : These steps will show you how to create a functioning Linux system, with the latest 2.6 kernel compiled from source, and how to integrate the BusyBox utilities including the installation of DHCP. Plus, how to compile in the OpenSSH package on this CD based system. On system boot-up a filesystem will be created and the contents from the CD will be uncompressed and completely loaded into RAM -- the CD could be removed at this point for boot-up on a second computer. The remaining functioning system will have full ssh capabilities. You can take over any PC assuming, of course, you have configured the kernel with the appropriate drivers and the PC can boot from a CD. This tutorial steps you through the whole processes.
SQLite Tutorial : This article explores the power and simplicity of sqlite3, first by starting with common commands and triggers, then the attach statement with the union operation is introduced in a way that allows multiple tables, in separate databases, to be combined as one virtual table, without the overhead of copying or moving data. Next, the simple sign function and the amazingly powerful trick of using this function in SQL select statements to solve complex queries with a single pass through the data is demonstrated, after making a brief mathematical case for how the sign function defines the absolute value and IF conditions.

The Lemon Parser Tutorial: This article explains how to build grammars and programs using the lemon parser, which is faster than yacc. And, unlike yacc, it is thread safe.

How to Compile the 2.6 kernel for Red Hat 9 and 8.0 and get Fedora Updates: This is a step by step tutorial on how to compile the 2.6 kernel from source.
Linux System Admin Tips: There are over 160 linux tips and tricks in this article. This article is updated weekly.
Virtual Filesystem: Building A Linux Filesystem From An Ordinary File. You can take a disk file, format it as ext2, ext3, or reiser filesystem and then mount it, just like a physical drive. Yes, it then possible to read and write files to this newly mounted device. You can also copy the complete filesystem, since it is just a file, to another computer. If security is an issue, read on. This article will show you how to encrypt the filesystem, and mount it with ACL (Access Control Lists), which give you rights beyond the traditional read (r) write (w) and execute (x) for the 3 user groups file, owner and other.
Working With Time: What? There are 61 seconds in a minute? We can go back in time? We still tell time by the sun?

 Mike Chirico, a father of triplets (all girls) lives outside of Philadelphia, PA, USA. He has worked with Linux since 1996, has a Masters in Computer Science and Mathematics from Villanova University, and has worked in computer-related jobs from Wall Street to the University of Pennsylvania. His hero is Paul Erdos, a brilliant number theorist who was known for his open collaboration with others.

Mike's notes page is souptonuts. For open source consulting needs, please send an email to All consulting work must include a donation to