My studying notes for Java,Ruby,Ajax and other any interesting things.

星期三, 二月 14, 2007


Why Functional Programming Matters
John Hughes,
Institutionen f?r Datavetenskap,
Chalmers Tekniska H?gskola,
41296 G&oumlteborg, SWEDEN.

此论文作于1984年,作为查麦兹大学的备忘录流传了多年,经过小幅度修订的版本出现于1989年与1990年,即[Hug89]与[Hug90]。此版本基于原查麦兹大学备忘录的nroff 源码,为LaTeX做了改动,使其更接近于印刷版本,并纠正了少许错误。请容忍这种有点过时的排版吧,另外文中的例子也不是用Haskell写的!



1 引言


函数式语言之所以如此称呼,是因为程序完全是由函数组成的。主程序本身也是一个函数,以程序的输入为参数,并给出其输出作为结果。主函数一般是根据其他函数进行定义的,而这些函数又同样是根据更多的其他函数来定义,直到最低层的函数是语言的原生函数。这些函数与普通的数学函数很相像,因此在本文中将以普通等式来定义它们。本文的标记法遵循Turner的程序语言Miranda(TM)中的表示方法,不过对于之前没有函数式语言相关知识的读者,也可以看得懂。(Miranda是 Research Software Ltd.的商标)






2 与结构化程序设计进行类比

指出函数式与结构化程序设计之间的相似性是很有帮助的。过去,结构化程序设计的特性与优点大致被总结为这样:结构化程序不包含goto语句;结构化程序中的语句块没有多个入口与出口;结构化程序与非结构化的对应物相比,更容易数学化地控制。这些结构化程序设计的"优点"与我们之前所谈到的函数式程序设计的 "优点"在本质上很相似。这些叙述本质上都是否定式的,从而导致了诸如"goto是否必要"之类一大堆没有结果的争论。



模块化设计是成功的程序设计的关键,这一观点现在已经被普遍地接受了,而诸如Modula-II[Wir82],Ada[oD80]以及Standard ML[MTH90]之类的程序语言都内置了语言特性以促进模块化。然而,有一点非常重要,却常常被忽略。当编写一个模块化程序以解决问题的时候,程序员首 先把这个问题分解为子问题,而后解决这些子问题并把解决方案合并。程序员能够以什么方式分解问题,直接取决于他能以什么方式把解决方案粘起来。因此,为了 能在观念上提升程序员将问题模块化的能力,必须在程序语言提供中提供各种新的黏合剂。复杂的作用域规则与对分块编译的支持只对文本层面的细节有帮助,它们没有提供能表达新观念的工具以分解问题。

通过与木匠行业的类比可以认识到黏合剂的重要性。先制作椅子的各部分――坐垫,椅子腿,靠背,等等――而后用正确的方法钉起来,那么制作一把椅子是很容易的。但这取决于将木板与插接口结合起来的能力。如果缺乏这种能力,那么制作椅子的唯一方式,就是 将它从一大块木头里整个地切割出来,这是一项艰巨得多的任务。这个例子同时表明了模块化的非凡威力与拥有合适的黏合剂的重要性。

现在让我们回到函数式程序设计上来。在这篇论文余下的部分里,我们将指出,函数式语言提供了两种新的、非常重要的黏合剂。我们将给出许多可以使用新方法模块化的示 例程序,它们因此变得很简洁。这就是函数式程序设计威力的关键――它允许了大幅改进的模块化设计。这也正是函数式程序员必须追求的目标――更小、更简洁、更通用的模块,用我们将要描述的新黏合剂黏合起来。

3 把函数粘起来


listof X :: = nil | cons X (listof X)

这说明,一个元素类型为X的列表(不论X是什么)可以是nil,代表一个没有元素的空列表,也可以是一个X与另一个由X组成的列表的cons。一个cons就代表一个列表,其首元素为X,而第二个以及后续元素即是另一个X的列表的元素。此处的X可以代表任何类型――例如,如果X是一个"Integer"(整数类型),那么这个定义就是说,一个整数列表,或者是空的,或者是一个整数与另一个整数列表的 cons。依照通常的实践,我们写列表时,仅仅将其元素包含在方括号里,而不是将consnil显式地写出来。这是为了标记方便的缩写。例如:

[]        表示    nil [1]       表示    cons 1 nil [1 2 3]   表示    cons 1 ( cons 2 ( cons 3 nil ))


sum nil = 0


sum (cons num list) = num + sum list


          +---+ sum nil = | 0 |           +---+                           +---+ sum (cons num list) = num | + | sum list                           +---+


sum = reduce add 0


add x y = x + y


(reduce f x) nil = x (reduce f x)(cons a l) = f a ((reduce f x) l)

这里我们写出了(reduce f x)两边的括号以强调它代替了sum。习惯上括号是省略的,因此((reduce f x) l)写作(reduce f x l)。一个三元函数如reduce,当只提供两个参数时,将成为关于那个余下参数的一元函数。一般地,对一个n元函数,给出了m(< n) 个参数后,该函数便成为了关于余下的n-m个参数的函数。我们在下文中将遵守这一约定。


product = reduce multiply 1


anytrue = reduce or false


alltrue = reduce and true

理解(reduce f a)的一种方式是,将其看作一个将列表中的所有cons替换为f,将所有nil替换为a的函数。以列表[1,2,3]为例,既然它表示:

cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))

那么(reduce add 0)将其转换为:

add 1 (add 2 (add 3 0)) = 6

而(reduce multiply 1)将其转换为:

multiply 1 (mulitiply 2 (mulitiply 3 1)) = 6

于是,很明显地,(reduce cons nil)将复制列表本身。既然将一个列表追加到另一个列表上的方式是将前一个列表的元素cons到后一个列表前部,我们便得到:

append a b = reduce cons b a


append [1,2] [3,4] = reduce cons [3,4] [1,2]                    = (reduce cons [3,4]) (cons 1 ( cons 2 nil ))                    = cons 1 ( cons 2 [3,4]))                      (将cons替换为cons,将nil替换为[3,4])                    = [1,2,3,4]


doubleall = reduce doubleandcons nil where doubleandcons num list = cons (2*num) list


doubleandcons = fandcons double where double n = 2*n       fandcons f el list = cons (f el) list


fandcons f = cons . f


(f . g) h = f(g h)


   fandcons f el = (cons . f) el                   = cons (f el) 所以 fandcons f el list = cons (f el) list


doubleall = reduce (cons . double) nil


doubleall = map double map f = reduce (cons . f) nil



summatrix = sum . map sum

map sum使用函数sum分别计算所有行的元素之和,而后最左边的sum将每一行的元素之和累加起来,从而得到整个矩阵的累加和。


treeof X ::= node X (listof (treeof X))


      1 o        / \       /   \      /     \   2 o       o 3             |             |             |             o 4


node 1     (cons (node 2 nil)           (cons (node 3                 (cons (node 4 nil) nil))                  nil))

我们不再给出一个函数例子并将它抽象为高阶函数,取而代之的是,直接给出一个类似于reduce的函数redtree。回忆一下,reduce有两个参数, 一个用于取代cons,另一个用于取代nil。既然树由node,cons和nil组成,那么redtree必须有三个参数――用于分别取代上述三者。由 于树和列表不是同一种类型,我们得定义两个函数分别处理它们。因此我们定义:

redtree f g a (node label subtrees) =         f label (redtree' f g a subtrees ) redtree' f g a (cons subtree rest) =              g (redtree f g a subtree) (redtree' f g a rest) redtree' f g a nil = a


 sumtree = redtree add add 0


add 1     (add (add 2 0)           (add (add 3                     (add (add 4 0) 0))                0)) = 10


labels = redtree cons append nil


cons 1             (append (cons 2 nil)                     (append (cons 3                                  (append (cons 4 nil) nil))                            nil))     = [1,2,3,4]


maptree f = redtree (node . f) cons nil

以上这些操作之所以可行,是因为函数式语言允许将传统型语言中不可分解的函数表达为一些部件的聚合――也就是一个泛化的高阶函数与一些特化函数的聚合。这样的高阶函数一旦定义,便使得很多操作都可以很容易地编写出来。不论何时,只要一个新的数据类型被定义,就应当同时定义用于处理这种数据的高阶函数。这样就简化了对数据类型的处理,同时也将与它的表示细节相关的知识局部化了。与(函数式语言)最相像的传统程序语言是 可扩展语言――只要有需求,这种程序语言就好像随时都可以扩展出新的控制结构一样。

4 把程序粘起来


g (f input)

程序f计算自身的输出,此输出被用作程序g的输入。传统上,这是通过将f的输出储存在临时文件中实现的。这种方法的毛病是,临时文件可能会占用太大的空间, 以至于将程序黏合起来变得很不现实。函数式语言提供了一种解决方案。程序f和g严格地同步运行,只有当g试图读取输入时,f才启动,并且只运行足够的时间,恰好可以提供g需要读取的输出数据。而后f将被挂起,g将继续执行,直到它试图读取另一个输入。一个额外的好处是,如果g没有读取完f的全部输出就终止了,那么f也将被终止。f甚至可以是一个不会(自行)终止的程序,它可以产生无穷多的输出(而不会出现问题),因为当g运行结束时,f也将被强行终止。这就使得终止条件可以与循环体


这种求值方式使得f尽可能地少运行,因此被称为"惰性求值"。它使得将程序模块化为一个产生大量可能解的生成器与一个选取恰当解的选择器的方案变得可行。有些其他的系统也允许程序以这种方式运行,但只有函数式语言对每一个函数调用都一律使用惰性求值,使得程序的每个部分都可以 用这种方式模块化。惰性求值也许是函数式程序员的拿手利器中威力最大的模块化工具。

4.1 牛顿-拉夫森求根法


a(n+1) = (a(n) + N/a(n)) / 2


      a = (a + N/a) / 2 故    2a = a + N/a       a = N/a       a*a = N       a = squareroot(N)



  C   N IS CALLED ZN HERE SO THAT IT HAS THE RIGHT TYPE           X = A0           Y = A0 + 2.*EPS   C   THE VALUE OF Y DOES NOT MATTER SO LONG AS ABS(X-Y).GT.EPS   100   IF (ABS(X-Y).LE.EPS) GOTO 200             Y = X             X = (X + ZN/X) / 2   200   CONTINUE   C   THE SQUARE ROOT OF ZN IS NOW IN X

[译注:这是一段FORTRAN的程序,C代表注释行,保留不翻译。.LE.是"Less than or Equal to"(小于或等于)的缩写,.GT.是Greater than"大于"的意思。]



 next N x = (x + N/x) / 2

因此(next N)是从一个近似值映射到下一个值的函数。调用函数f,得到近似值序列:

[a0, f a0, f(f a0), f(f(f a0)), ...]


repeat f a = cons a (repeat f (f a))


repeat (next N) a0



 within eps (cons a (cons b rest)) =               = b,                        当 abs(a-b) <= eps               = within eps (cons b rest), 否则


  sqrt a0 eps N = within eps (repeat (next N) a0)

现在我们得到了求根函数的两大部件,便可以尝试用不同的方式组合它们。将要进行的修改之一,是将判断条件改为"相邻近似值的比趋近1"而不是"差趋近0"。 这对于非常小的数字而言更加合适(当初始的相邻近似值之间的差值很小时),对非常大的数字也是如此(当舍尾产生的误差比允许误差大很多时)。我们只需要定 义一个函数来替换within:

  relative eps (cons a (cons b rest)) =               = b,                          当 abs(a-b) <= eps*abs b               = relative eps (cons b rest), 否则


4.2 数值微分



easydiff f x h = (f(x+h)-f x) / h

为了得到良好的近似值,h应该很小。不幸的是,如果h太小,那么f(x+h)与f(x)会相当接近,因此在相减过程中产生的舍尾误差可能会掩盖了计算结果。 如何为h选取恰当的值呢?解决这个矛盾一种方案是从一个合理的较大取值开始,不断减小h的值,并求出一个(微分的)近似值序列。这个序列将趋近于该点的导 数,但最终会由于舍尾误差的存在而不可救药地变得不精确。如果我们用(within eps)来选取第一个足够精确的近似值,那么舍尾误差影响结果的风险将会大大降低。我们需要一个函数来计算这个序列:

  differentiate h0 f x = map (easydiff f x) (repeat halve h0)   halve x = x/2


  within eps (differentiate h0 f x)


  (微分的)精确值 + 一个关于h的误差项

理论表明,该误差项与h的某一次幂大致成正比,因此当h减小时,误差也会减小。设精确值为A,而误差项为B*h**n [me:**是求幂运算符]。由于计算每个近似值时所用的h取值是下一个的两倍,故任意两个连续的近似值可以表示成:

 a(i)   = A + B*(2**n)*(h**n)  a(i+1) = A + B*(h**n)


      a(i+1)*(2**n) - a(i)    A=----------------------            2**n - 1


 elimerror n (cons a (cons b rest)) =               = cons ((b*(2**n)-a)/(2**n-1)) (elimerror n (cons b rest))



  order (cons a (cons b (cons c rest))) =               = round(log2( (a-c)/(b-c) - 1 ))    round x = 最接近x的整数    log2 x  = x以2为底的对数


 improve s = elimerror (order s) s


  within eps (improve (differentiate h0 f x))


within eps (improve (improve (improve (differentiate h0 f x)) 


super s = map second (repeat improve s) second (cons a (cons b rest)) = b

super函数使用repeat improve来生成一个不断被优化的近似值的序列的序列。同时,super提取出每个近似值序列中的第二个元素,构造出一个新的序列(已经确认,第二元素是最佳选择――它比首元更精确,而且不需要额外的计算)。这个算法的确非常复杂――更多的近似值被计算的同时,它使用了不断优化的数值方法。可以用下面的程序非常非常高效地计算导数:

 within eps (super (differentiate h0 f x)) 


4.3 数值积分


 easyintegrate f a b = (f a + f b)*(b-a)/2


intergrate f a b = cons (easyintergrate f a b)                    (map addpair (zip (intergrate f a mid)                        (intergrate f mid b))) 其中 mid = (a+b)/2


 zip (cons a s) (cons b t) = cons (pair a b) (zip s t)

在函数intergrate中,zip用于生成由两个子区间上相对应的积分近似值对组成的列表,而map addpair用于将有序对中的元素相加,从而生成一个原积分的近似值列表。

实际上,这个版本的intergrate函数相当低效,因为它持续不断地重复计算f的值。就像所写的一样,easyintergrate计算了f在a和b两处的值,而对intergrate的递归调用将重复计算它们。同样的,(f mid)也在递归调用中重复计算了。因此,最好使用下述从不重复计算f的版本:

intergrate f a b = interg f a b (f a) (f b) integ f a b fa fb = cons ((fa+fb)*(b-a)/2)                          (map addpair (zip (interg f a m fa fm)                                            (interg f m b fm fb)))      其中 m = (a+b)/2            fm = f m


within eps (intergrate f a b) relative eps (integrate f a b)

这个积分算法与上一小节中的第一个微分算法有着同样的缺点――它收敛得相当慢。序列中的第一个近似值仅仅用了两个相距(a-b)的点来计算(通过easyintergrate)。第二个近似值也(除了a、b之外)用到了中点,因此相邻两点之间的间距仅为(b-a)/2。第三个近似值在两个子区间上 作同样的处理,因此间距仅为(b-a)/4。很清楚,每个近似值对应的相邻两点之间的间距在计算下一个值时被减半了。将这一间距看作"h",那么这个序列 就可以成为上一小节中定义的"improve"函数的优化对象了。因此我们可以写出(函数来计算)快速收敛的积分近似值序列,例如:

super (intergrate sin 0 4)    improve (intergrate f 0 1) 其中 f x = 1/(1+x*x)


在 本节中我们选取了一些数值算法并将它们函数化地编写出来,把惰性求值当做了黏合部件的黏合剂。由于惰性求值的存在,使得我们可以用很多新的方式来模块化这 些算法,从而产生用途广泛的函数,例如within,relative和improve。通过这些部件的不同组合,我们简单而明了地编写出了一些相当不错的数值算法。

5 人工智能中的例子




moves: position -> listof position

该函数以一个游戏局势为参数,并返回一个可以由自变量出发,通过一步行动而形成的position的列表。以noughts and crosses游戏(tic-tac-toe)为例:

      | |      X| |   |X|   | |      -+-+-     -+-+- -+-+- -+-+- moves | |   = [ | | , | | , |X| ]      -+-+-     -+-+- -+-+- -+-+-       | |       | |   | |   | | 	         | |    O| |   |O|      -+-+-   -+-+- -+-+- moves |X| = [ |X| , |X| ]      -+-+-   -+-+- -+-+-       | |     | |   | | 

这个函数假定通过当前局势总是可以判定现在是哪位游戏者的回合。在noughts and crosses中,可以通过数出"0"与"X"的数目来做到这一点。在类似于象棋的游戏中,可能必须在"position"类型中显式包含这一信息。

利 用函数moves,第一步是构造一棵博弈树。这棵树的结点都用局势来标记,而一个结点的子结点用从该结点一步便可到达的局势标记。也就是说,如果一个结点 标记为局势p,那么它的子结点将使用(moves p)中的局势来标记。一棵博弈树完全有可能是无穷的,如果这个游戏可以在双方都不胜的情形下永远进行下去的话。博弈树与第2节中讨论的树完全类似――每个 结点都有一个标记(它所代表的局势)与一个子结点列表。因此我们可以使用相同的数据类型来表示它们。


reptree f a = node a (map (reptree f) (f a))


gametree p = reptree moves p


          | |          -+-+- gametree  | |          -+-+-           | |                             | |                            -+-+- =                           | |                            -+-+-                             | |                           /  |  \                          /   |   \                         /    |    \                        /     |     \                       /      |      \                      /       |       \                  X| |       |X|      | |                  -+-+-     -+-+-    -+-+-                   | |       | |      |X|                  -+-+-     -+-+-    -+-+-                   | |       | |      | |                   /|\       /|\       /\                   ...       ...      /  \                                     /    \                                    /      \                                O| |       |O|                                -+-+-     -+-+-                                 |X|       |X|                                -+-+-     -+-+-                                 | |       | |                                 /|\       /|\                                 ...       ... 

图1: 一棵博弈树的实例

alpha -beta算法从一个给定的局势出发,就游戏的发展将会是有利还是不利作出判断。然而,要做到这一点,它必须能够在不考虑下一步的情况下粗略地估计某一个 局势的"价值"。在后继局势不可预测时必须使用这一函数,它也可以用来对算法进行先期引导。静态估价的结果是从计算机的角度考虑的,是对该局势的前途的度 量(假设在游戏中计算机与人对抗)。结果越大,局势对计算机而言越好。结果越小,局势越糟。最简单的此类函数将会,比如说,对计算机确定胜利的局势返回+ 1,对计算机确定失败的局势返回-1,而对其它的局势返回0。在现实中,静态估价函数会衡量各种使局势"看上去不错"的因素。例如,具体的好处,以及象棋 中对中心的控制。假定有这样一个函数:

static: position -> number

既然一棵博弈树是一个(treeof position),那么它就可以被函数(maptree static)转换为一个(treeof number),该函数对树中所有的(也许是无穷多个)局势进行静态估价。此处使用了第2节中定义的函数maptree。

给 出一棵静态估价树之后,其中各个局势的真值究竟是多大?特别地,对根局势应该赋予什么值?不是它的静态值,因为那只是一个粗略的猜测。一个结点被赋予的 值,必须由其子结点的真值决定。这一过程的完成,基于每个游戏者都会选择对自己最有利的行动的假定。回忆一下,高值意味着计算机的有利形势。很明显,当计 算机从任意的局势开始下一步行动时,它将选择通往真值最高的子结点的行动。类似地,对手将会选择通往真值最低的子结点的行动。假定计算机与其对手轮流行 动,那么当轮到计算机行动时,节点的真值用函数maximise计算,反之用minimise计算。

maximise (node n sub) = max (map minimise sub) minimise (node n sub) = min (map maximise sub)

此处max和min是关于列表的函数,分别返回列表中元素的最大值与最小值。上述定义是不完整的,因为它们将永远递归下去――没有给出边界情形。我们必须定 义没有后继的结点的值(其标记)。因此静态估价用于任一游戏者胜利或者后继局势不可预测的情况下。maximise与minimise的完整定义是:

maximise (node n nil) = n maximise (node n sub) = max (map minimise sub) maximise (node n nil) = n maximise (node n sub) = min (map minimise sub)


evaluate = maximise . maptree static . gametree

这个定义有两个问题。首先,它不适用于无穷树。maximise不断地递归直到找到一个没有子树的结点――树的端点。如果没有端点那么maximise就不会返回结果。第二个问题与第一个有关――甚至有穷的博弈树(如noughts and crosses里的那棵)事实上也可能相当大。估价整棵博弈树是不现实的――搜索必须被限定在接下去的几步之内。为此可以将树剪至一个固定的深度:

prune 0 (node a x) = node a nil prune n (node a x) = node a (map (prune (n-1)) x)

(prune n)取一棵树作为参数并"剪去"与根结点的距离超过n的所有结点。如果一棵博弈树被剪枝,那么将强制maximise对深度为n的结点执行静态估价而不是进一步递归。因此evaluate可以被定义为:

evaluate = maximise . maptree static . prune 5 . gametree


在 此开发过程中我们已经使用了高阶函数与惰性求值。高阶函数reptree和maptree使得我们能够很容易地构造与处理博弈树。更重要的是,惰性求值确 保了我们可以使用这种方式模块化evaluate。由于博弈树具有潜在的无穷结果,在没有惰性求值的情况下,程序将永远不会终止。我们将不能写:

 prune 5 . gametree


 maptree static . prune 5 . gametree

只是构造出了树中maximise所需的部分。由于每一部分都可以在被maximise处理完之后丢弃(被垃圾收集器回收),故完整的树从来没有存储于内存 中。只有树的一小部分在某一段时间内被储存着。因此这个惰性程序很有效率。这一效率取决于maximise(组合链上的最后一个函数)与gametree (第一个函数)的相互作用,因此在没有惰性求值的情况下,要完成任务,只能将组合链上的所有函数整合成一个大函数。这是对模块化的强烈破坏,但也是通常的 做法。通过单独修补每个部件,我们就可以优化估价算法――这相对简单。而一个传统型程序员必须把整个程序作为一个单元来修改,这就困难多了。


       max        / \       /   \      /     \     /       \   min       min   / \       / \  /   \     /   \ 1     2   0     ?



  maximise = max . maximise'

(minimise可以用类似的方法分解。由于maximise和minimise是完全对称的,故我们将只讨论maximise,而假定minimise也照此处理。)一旦这样分解之后,maximise可以使用minimise'来发现minimise将对哪些数字求最小值,并且不再使用minimise本身。而后便可 以在不查看某些数字的情况下便将它们丢弃。由于惰性求值的存在,如果maxmise并不会查看所有的数字列表,那么一部分列表将不会被计算,这是对计算机 时间的潜在节约。


maximise' (node n nil) = cons n nil maximise' (node n l) = map minimise l                      = map (min . minimise') l                      = map min (map minimise' l)                      = mapmin (map minimise' l) 其中 mapmin = map min

由于minimise' 返回一个数字列表,而这个列表的最小值是minimise的结果,故(map minimise' l)返回一个数字列表的列表。Maximise'应该返回这些列表中每个列表的最小值组成的列表,但只有这个列表中的最大值才有用。我们应该定义一个mapmin的新版本以忽略那些最小值不重要的列表。

  mapmin (cons nums rest) =                = cons (min nums) (omit (min nums) rest)


 omit pot nil = nil    omit pot (cons nums rest) =               = omit pot rest,                          当 minleq nums pot                = cons (min nums) (omit (min nums) rest), 否则

minleq 以一个数字列表和一个潜在最大值为参数,如果列表的最小值小于或等于潜在最大值就返回真。要完成这一工作,它并不需要扫描整个列表!如果列表中有任意一个 元素小于或等于潜在最大值,那么列表的最小值肯定也是如此。该特别元素之后的所有元素都是无关紧要的――它们就像是上面例子中的问号一样。因此 minleq可以被定义为:

  minleq nil pot = false   minleq (cons num rest) port = true,            当 num<=pot                               = minleq rest pot, 否则


  evaluate = max . maximise' . maptree static . prune 8 . gametree



highfirst (node n sub) = node n (sort higher (map lowfirst sub)) lowfirst (node n sub) = node n (sort (not.higher) (map highfirst sub)) higher (node n1 sub1)(node n2 sub2) = n1>n2


  evaluate = max . maximise' . highfirst . maptree static . prune 8 . gametree

也可能认为,为了限制搜索,只要考虑计算机或者对手的前三个最佳行动也已经足够了。要编写这样的程序,只需要把highfirst换成(taketree 3 . highfirst),其中:

  taketree n = redtree (nodett n) cons nil   nodett n label sub = node label (take n sub)

taketree 将树上所有的结点替换为最多有n个子结点的结点,它使用了函数(take n),而该函数返回列表的前n个元素(如果列表比n短,那么返回的元素就少一些)。


prune 0 (node pos sub) = node pos (map (prune 0) sub), if dynamic pos

在像这个程序一样模块化的程序里,作出这样的改动是很简单的。如前所述,这个程序的效率,关键是由链中的最后一个函数maximise与第一个函数 gametree的相互作用决定的,因此若没有惰性求值,就只能写成一个单一的程序。这样的程序难于编写,难于修改,而且,非常难于理解。

6 结论

在本论文中,我们指出,模块化是成功的程序设计的关键。以提高生产力为目标的程序语言,必须良好地支持模块化程序设计。但是,新的作用域规则和分块编译的技 巧是不够的――"模块化"不仅仅意味着"模块"。我们分解程序的能力直接取决于将解决方案粘在一起的能力。为了协助模块化程序设计,程序语言必须提供优良 的黏合剂。函数式程序语言提供了两种新的黏合剂――高阶函数与惰性求值。利用这些黏合剂可以将程序用新的、令人激动的方式模块化,对此我们举出了很多实 例。越小、越通用的模块越可能被广泛地重用,使后续的程序设计工作变得简单。这解释了为什么函数式程序与传统型程序比较,要小得多,也容易编写得多。它也 为函数式程序员提供了一个追求目标。如果程序的任何部分是杂乱或者复杂的,那么程序员就应当尝试将其模块化并泛化其部件。他应当期望把高阶函数和惰性求值 用作他做此事的工具。

当然,我们并不是指出高阶函数与惰性求值的力与美的第一人。例如,Turner展示了这两者如何在一个生成化学结构 的程序里大显身手[Tur81]。Abelson和Sussman强调"流"(惰性列表)是构架程序的强大工具[AS86]。Henderson使用了流来构架函数式操作系统[P.H82]。本论文的主要贡献是,断言了模块化自身,便是函数式语言强大威力的关键。



在牛津程序设计研究组与Phil Wadler和Richard Bird的多次交谈对本论文的写作帮助甚大。约特堡查麦兹大学的Magnus Bondesson指出了一个数值算法的早期版本中的严重错误,同时也协助了很多其他算法的开发。本论文在英国科学与工程研究评议会提供的研究基金赞助下发表。


[AS86] H. Abelson and G.J. Sussman. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. MIT Press, Boston, 1986.
[Hug89] J. Hughes. Why Functional Programming Matters. Computer Journal, 32(2), 1989.
[Hug90] John Hughes. Why Functional Programming Matters. In D. Turner, editor, Research Topics in Functional Programming. Addison Wesley,
[MTH90] R. Milner, M. Tofte, and R. Harper. The Definition of Standard ML. MIT Press, 1990.
[oD80] United States Department of Defense. The Programming Language Ada Reference Manual. Springer-Verlag, 1980.
[P.H82] P.Henderson. Purely Functional Operating Systems. 1982.
[Tur81] D. A. Turner. The Semantic Elegance of Applicative Languages. In Proceedings 1981 Conference on Functional Languages and Computer
Architecture, Wentworth-by-the-Sea, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1981.
[Tur85] D. A. Turner. Miranda: A non-strict language with polymorphic types. In Proceedings 1985 Conference on Functional Programming
Languages and Computer Architecture, pages 1�C16, Nancy, France, 1985.
[Wir82] N. Wirth. Programming in Modula-II. Springer-Verlag, 1982.


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作者:Joel Reymont
译文:神宗冥浩 ( chao.yan<at> )



本文是DevMaster.net上的一篇精华文章,也被很多相关E文论坛转载。翻译这篇文章基本是个冲动,因为我刚刚结束了这周的 programming test,一下子闲下来很是不适应。其实我们一直不明白,为什么学校除了C++一定要逼我们在其他"小语种"比如Haskell, Prolog 等等浪费那么多工夫。在最近阅读了一些journal,也学习过一下往届学生做的projects之后,我慢慢开始感谢学校了。


在读到本文之前,我刚好看完了水木里的一篇文章,内容是某位牛人对于网游开发的未来阶段展望云云。其理念确实发人深省,可是对于他后几阶段完全扎根于J2EE的论述就不敢苟同了。曾有文说:国人喜欢起哄。当某个事物突然吹起了风吹对了风,大家都一哄而上,没有条件创造条件也要上,遇到麻烦了,也得硬着头皮跟大家走下去。本文作者做了 9个月的前期research,在他的blog上也有详尽的关于 ErlangHaskell, java之间在此领域的比较(注意是在多人在线服务端方面的比较!以免某些同胞没看清楚就炮轰我)或许你认为那个什么什么 Erlang纯粹rubbish,或许对其他问题有很大分歧,我不置可否。翻译本文的目的主要是因为原作者能够从多角度看待问题。对于优化方案的仔细充足的研究。


最近看了我们学校一组学生的group project,大体是用java编写的带 GUI的一个复杂智力游戏的AI solver。他们在项目前期最头疼的就是这个AI solver 的部分的实现。后来选择了使用Prolog(在逻辑编程方面有天生优势)编写AI 部分再用一个现成的plugin作为脚本嵌在java程序里。这样他们的进度大大加快了,有足够的时间制作精美的GUI 。甚至还作了一个java实现的AI部分用作比较,虽然Prolog 的代码是解释运行的,仍然比经典算法快了很多!文中的Erlang也是类似,只不过是在concurrency并行计算方面。




本文以我的 OpenPoker项目为例介绍另一种构建大规模多人在线系统的方案。OpenPoker 是一个大型多人扑克网游,内建支持了容错能力,负载平衡和无限制的规模大小。OpenPoker 的源代码遵循GPL协议可以从我的网站下载,大约包含一万行代码,有三分之一是用来测试的。  

Openpoker 最终版出台之前,我花了很大精力设计参考,尝试过Delphi, Python, C# C/C++还有Scheme。我甚至还用 Common Lisp完成了一个可运行的Poker引擎。虽然我花了 9个多月研究设计,最终代码编写却只用了6个星期,这最后的高效率要归功于选择了 Erlang作为编写平台。 

根据比较, 老版本的OpenPoker需要45个人的小组9 个月时间完成。原班人马还另外完成了一个Windows版的客户端,就算把这个开发时间的一半( 1个半月)算进去,也比预期的18个月少得多,就当今游戏开发的客观环境,如此可观的时间节省不可小看!  


我建议你先读一读 Erlang FAQ,不过我在这里尽量概括一下: 


使用Erlang 编写出的应用运行时通常由成千上万个轻量级进程组成,并通过消息传递相互通讯。进程间上下文切换对于Erlang来说仅仅只是一两个环节,比起 C程序的线程切换要高效得多得多了。 

使用Erlang 来编写分布式应用要简单的多,因为它的分布式机制是透明的:对于程序来说并不知道自己是在分布式运行。 

Erlang运行时环境是一个虚拟机,有点像 Java虚拟机,这样代码一经编译,同样可以随处运行。它的运行时系统甚至允许代码在不被中断的情况下更新。另外如果你需要更高效的话,字节代码也可以编译成本地代码运行。  

请参考 Erlang网站上的 教程 文档 范例等精彩资源。 

为什么选择 Erlang 

内建的并行计算模型使得Erlang 非常适合编写多人在线服务器。 

具有良好伸缩性的大型多人后台系统用Erlang 是这样构建的:由很多被分配不同任务的"节点 (Node)"组成的 "集群(Cluster)"。一个 Erlang节点就是一个Erlang虚拟机的实例,你可以在一台机器 (服务器,台式机或者笔记本电脑)上运行多个节点。我推荐一块 CPU一个节点。 


Erlang进程使用进程 ID向其他进程传递报文,进程ID包含着运行此进程的节点的信息。因此进程不需要理会正在与其交流的其他进程实际在何处运行。一组相互连接的 Erlang节点可以看作是一个网格计算体或者一台超级计算机。 

将大型多人在线游戏里的玩家,NPC 以及其他个体抽象为很多并行运行的进程是最理想的,但是通常并行运算的实现让人十分头疼。Erlang天生就是简化并行计算的实现。  

Erlang语法里的比特操作让二进制操作变得异常简单,极大发挥了 PerlPython 的打包/解包结构。使得Erlang 非常适合操作二进制网络通讯协议。 

<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->


OpenPoker里的一切的一切都是进程。玩家,机器人,游戏,抬面等等等等,都是一个个进程。每一个连接到 OpenPoker的客户端都有一个扮演 "代理"角色的玩家进程用来处理网络消息。取决于玩家是否登陆,某些消息被忽略而有些被传递到处理游戏逻辑的进程。  

纸牌游戏进程是一个状态机宿主:由多种游戏状态的各种状态机模块组成。这样我的纸牌游戏进程可以向乐高积木一样随意添砖加瓦 ――只要加入状态机就可以添加新的纸牌游戏。此方案可以参考我写的初始函数( cardgame.erl

纸牌游戏状态机根据目前游戏的状态接受不同的消息。而且我用一个独立的进城来处理通用信息,比如跟踪玩家状态,抬面情况,各种限制等等。在我的笔记本电脑上模拟 27000个扑克游戏,会产生 136,000个玩家和大约800 000个进程。 

这说明了为什么我极力专注于使用OpenPoker 为例讨论Erlang如何轻松的实现可伸缩性,容错性,和负载平衡。此方案不仅仅局限于扑克纸牌游戏。相同的机制完全可以胜任其他类型大规模可伸缩多人在线后台系统,便宜简单一点儿也不郁闷!  

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我使用多层体系实现高伸缩性和负载平衡。第一层是网关节点。第二层是游戏服务端节点,最后一层是 Mnesia主节点。 

Mnesia Erlang的实时分布式数据库系统。Mnesia FAQ 解释得很详细,它是一个高速,重复性,内存驻留的数据库。Erlang本身没有对象支持但是 Mnesia可以被看作是面向对象的因为它存贮所有Erlang数据。  

有两种Mnesia 节点:访问磁盘的和不访问磁盘的。无论怎样,所有Mnesia节点在内存中存储数据。 OpenPoker里的Mnesia节点是用来访问磁盘的。网关和游戏服务层只操作内存,启动后从 Mnesia访问数据库。 

Erlang虚拟机有一套很方便的命令行参数来通知 Mnesia主数据库存在哪里。任何新的Mnesia 节点只要和主节点建立了连接,新的节点马上成为集群的一部分。 

假设主节点位于appleorange两台主机上,那么添加新的网关节点,游戏服务节点等等到你的 OpenPoker集群仅仅需要如下命令行启动: 

erl -mnesia extra_db_nodes \[' db@apple','db@orange'\] -s mnesia start

-s mnesia start 也可以用Erlang控制台启动 Mnesia:

erl -mnesia extra_db_nodes \['db@apple','db@orange'\]
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.8 [source] [hipe] [threads:0]

Eshell V5.4.8 (abort with ^G)
1> mnesia:start().

OpenPoker Mnesia数据表里保存配置信息,此信息在Mnesia启动的时候自动被新节点下载。完全零配置!



添置几个便宜的Linux 系统到我的服务器组,OpenPoker可以要多大规模有多大规模。组合一打 1U服务器系统可以轻松胜任五十万甚至一百万玩家同时在线。当然不仅仅是纸牌游戏,对于其他多人RPG 网游( MMORPG)也是一样的。 

我可以指派几个服务器做网关节点,另外几个做数据库节点访问存储介质上的数据,然后剩下的一些做游戏服务器。我还可以限制单台服务器最高接纳 5000玩家同时在线,所以任何一台当机,最多5000 个玩家受影响。 

另外要指出的是任何一台游戏服务器当机都不会有数据损毁因为所有 Mnesia的数据访问操作都是由多个游戏,Mnesia节点实时备份的。  

考虑到某些潜在错误,游戏客户端需要做一些辅助工作让玩家顺滑的重新连接到 OpenPoker服务器集群。每当客户端发现网络错误,就会尝试连接网关节点,通过接力网络包得到一个新的游戏服务节点地址然后重新连接。这里需要点技巧因为不同的情况要不同对待: 


  1. 游戏服务器当机 
  2. 客户端当机或者网络延迟超时 
  3. 玩家尝试从另外一个网络连接上线 
  4. 玩家在游戏中切换到另一个网络继续连接  


每个OpenPoker 游戏缓存发送给玩家的数据包,每次客户端重新连接都会收到自游戏开始的所有数据包然后再开始正常接受。OpenPoker使用 TCP连接所以不用考虑数据包的发送顺序――所有数据包保证是按顺序收到的。  

每个客户端连接由两个OpenPoker 进程组成:套接字进程还有玩家进程。还有一个受限制的访客进程被使用直至玩家成功登陆,访客不能加入游戏。套接字进程虽网络中断而停止,但是玩家进程仍然保持活动。 


login({atomic, [Player]}, [_Nick, Pass|_] = Args) 
when is_record(Player, player) ->
Player1 = Player#player {
socket = fix_pid(Player#player.socket),
pid = fix_pid(
Condition = check_player(Player1, [Pass],
fun is_account_disabled/2,
fun is_bad_password/2,
fun is_player_busy/2,
fun is_player_online/2,
fun is_client_down/2,
fun is_offline/2







is_player_busy(Player, _) ->
{Online, _} = is_player_online(Player, []),
Playing = /= none,
{Online and Playing, player_busy}.

is_player_online(Player, _) ->
SocketAlive = Player#player.socket /= none,
PlayerAlive = /= none,
{SocketAlive and PlayerAlive, player_online}.

is_client_down(Player, _) ->
SocketDown = Player#player.socket == none,
PlayerAlive = /= none,
{SocketDown and PlayerAlive, client_down}.

is_offline(Player, _) ->
SocketDown = Player#player.socket == none,
PlayerDown = == none,
{SocketDown and PlayerDown, player_offline}.

要注意login 函数首先要做的是修复已失败的进程ID。这样简化了处理过程,代码如下:  

when is_pid(Pid) ->
case util:is_process_alive(Pid) of
true ->
_ ->

fix_pid(Pid) ->









when is_pid(Pid) ->
rpc:call(node(Pid), erlang, is_process_alive, [Pid]).


Erlang里的进程 ID包含运行进程的节点的Id. is_pid(Pid)返回参数是否为一个进程 Id但是无法知道进程是否已中断。Erlang 的内建函数erlang:is_process_alive(Pid)可以做到。 is_process_alive也可以用来检查远程节点,用起来是没区别的。 

更方便的是,我们可以用 Erlang RPC功能,联合node(pid)来调用远程节点的 is_process_alive()。用起来和访问本地节点一样,所以上面的代码实际上也是全局分布式进程检查。  


login(Player, player_offline, [Nick, _, Socket]) ->
{ok, Pid} = player:start(Nick),
OID = gen_server:call(Pid, 'ID'),
gen_server:cast(Pid, {'SOCKET', Socket}),
Player1 = Player#player {
oid = OID,
pid = Pid,
socket = Socket
{Player1, {ok, Pid}}.







login(Player, bad_password, _) ->
N = Player#player.login_errors + 1,
{atomic, MaxLoginErrors} =
db:get(cluster_config, 0, max_login_errors),
N > MaxLoginErrors ->
Player1 = Player#player {
disabled = true
{Player1, {error, ?ERR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED}};
true ->
Player1 = Player#player {
login_errors = N
{Player1, {error, ?ERR_BAD_LOGIN}}

login(Player, account_disabled, _) ->
{Player, {error, ?ERR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED}};

注销用户时,先用ObjectID 找到玩家进程ID,然后停止玩家进程并更新数据库记录:






logout(OID) ->
case db:find(player, OID) of
{atomic, [Player]} ->
{atomic, ok} = db:set(player, OID,
[{pid, none},
{socket, none}]);
_ ->

如果注销不正常,可以分别针对各种重新连接条件处理。如果玩家在线却处于闲置状态,比如说停在大厅或者正旁观一个游戏 (可能在喝着瓶百威,喂喂!),然后尝试从另一台电脑连接,那么程序先将其登出然后重新将其登入,就像从离线状态下登入一样:






login(Player, player_online, Args) ->
login(Player, player_offline, Args);







login(Player, client_down, [_, _, Socket]) ->
gen_server:cast(, {'SOCKET', Socket}),
Player1 = Player#player {
socket = Socket
{Player1, {ok,}};







login(Player, player_busy, Args) ->
Temp = login(Player, client_down, Args),




我可以用想多少就多少的服务器节点组建我的OpenPoker 集群。也可以自由调配,比如说每个服务器节点5000个玩家,然后在整个集群中平摊工作负载。我可以在任何时候添加新的服务器节点,新节点自己会自动配置并开始接受新玩家。  

网关节点控制着向OpenPoker 集群里的所有活动节点平衡负载。网关节点的作用就是随机选择一个服务器节点,查询已连接玩家数,主机地址,端口等等。只要网关节点找到一个游戏服务器未达到负载最大值,它就把服务器的地址信息传递给客户端然后关闭连接。 


节点一般应该是一对一对的,这样如果一个失败,另一个可以马上替补。你可以采用 Round-robin DNS来配置多个网关节点。 


OpenPoker采用 Erlang的分布式进程组( Distributed Named Process Groups)来分组游戏服务器。所有节点都可以访问组列表,这一过程是自动的。新的游戏服务器只需加入服务器组。某个节点当机自动从组列表里剔除。  


find_server(MaxPlayers) ->
case pg2:get_closest_pid(?GAME_SERVERS) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
{Time, {Host, Port}} = timer:tc(gen_server, call, [Pid, 'WHERE']),
Count = gen_server:call(Pid, 'USER COUNT'),
Count < MaxPlayers ->
io:format("~s:~w: ~w players~n", [Host, Port, Count]),
{Host, Port};
true ->
io:format("~s:~w is full...~n", [Host, Port]),
Any ->

pg2:get_closest_pid() 返回一个随机的游戏服务器进程ID(网关节点上不运行任何游戏服务器)。然后向返回的服务器查询地址端口以及目前连接的玩家数。只要未足最大负载额就把地址返回给调用进程,否则继续查找。  


OpenPoker是一个开源软件,我最近也正在将其投向许多棋牌类运营商。所有商家都存在容错性和可伸缩性的问题,即使有些已经经过了长年的开发维护。有些已经重写了代码,而有些才刚刚起步。所有商家都在 Java体系上大笔投入,所以他们不愿意换到Erlang 也是可以理解的。 

但是,对我来说这是一种商机。我越是深入研究,越发现Erlang 更适合提供一个简单直接却又高效可靠的解决方案。我把这个解决方案看成一个多功能插座,就像你现在电源插头上连着的一样。 




你可以今天就开始写这个Erlang 的中间件,在一个特别为TCP连接数做了优化的Linux 机器上运行,把这台机器放到公众网上的同时保持你的游戏服务器群组在防火墙背后。就算你不打算用,我也建议你抽空看看Erlang 考虑一下如何简化你的多人在线服务器架构。而且我随时愿意帮忙! 



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[FW]Writing Low-Pain Massively Scalable Multiplayer Servers

Writing Low-Pain Massively Scalable Multiplayer Servers

Creating massive multiplayer game servers with fault-tolerance, load balancing and unlimited scalability all built-in

Joel Reymont



This article describes an alternative approach to building massively scalable online multiplayer systems using my OpenPoker project as an example. OpenPoker is a massively multiplayer poker server with fault-tolerance, load balancing and unlimited scalability built-in. The source code to OpenPoker is available from my site under the GPL and comes in under 10,000 lines of code of which about 1/3 are dedicated to testing.

I prototyped extensively before coming up with the final version of OpenPoker and tried Delphi, Python, C#, C/C++ and Scheme. I also wrote a full-blown poker engine in Common Lisp. While I did spend over 9 months on research and prototyping, the final rewrite only took about 6 weeks of coding. I attribute most of the time and cost savings to choosing Erlang as my platform.

By comparison, it took a team of 4-5 people about 9 months to build the old OpenPoker. The original team also built a Windows poker client but even if I cut development time in half to account for this 1.5 month, it is far from 18 months that I will end up with. In today's world of bloated game development budgets such savings are nothing to sneeze at!

What is Erlang

I suggest you browse through the Erlang FAQ before continuing but I'll give you a quick summary here...

Erlang is a functional, dynamically typed language with built-in support for concurrency. It was specifically designed by Ericsson for telecommunications applications such as controlling a switch or converting protocols, and thus is particularly suitable for building distributed, soft real-time concurrent systems.

Applications written in Erlang are often composed of hundreds or thousands of lightweight processes communicating via message passing. Context switching between Erlang processes is typically one or two orders of magnitude cheaper than switching between threads in a C program.

It's easy to write distributed applications in Erlang because its distribution mechanisms are transparent: programs need not be aware that they are distributed.

The Erlang runtime environment is a virtual machine (VM), much like the Java virtual machine. This means that code compiled on one architecture runs anywhere. The runtime system also allows code in a running system to be updated without interrupting the program and the byte code can be compiled to native code when you need that extra boost.

Please head to the Erlang site and check out the excellent resources in the Getting started, Documentation and Examples sections.
Why Erlang

The concurrency model built into Erlang makes it particularly suitable for writing online multiplayer servers.

A massively scalable multiplayer backend in Erlang is built as a "cluster" with different "nodes" dedicated to different tasks. An Erlang node is an instance of the Erlang VM and you can run multiple Erlang nodes/VMs on your desktop, laptop or server. One node per CPU is recommended.

Erlang nodes track all other nodes connected to them. All you need to do to add a new node to the cluster is point it to an existing node. As soon as the two nodes establish contact all other nodes in the cluster become aware of the new node.

Erlang processes send messages to other processes using a process id which encodes information about the node where the process is running. Processes need not be aware of where other processes are located to communicate with them. A bunch of Erlang nodes linked together can be viewed as a grid or supercomputing facility.

Players, NPCs and other entities in massively multiplayer games are best modelled as concurrently running processes but concurrency is notoriously hard to work with. Erlang makes concurrency easy.

Erlang's bit syntax∞ makes it trivial to work with binary data and bests the structure packing/unpacking facilities of Perl and Python. This makes Erlang particularly suitable for handling binary network protocols.
The OpenPoker architecture

Everything in OpenPoker is a process. Players, bots, games, pots, etc. are all processes. For every poker client connected to OpenPoker there's a player "proxy" handling network messages. Depending on whether the player is logged in, some messages are ignored while others are passed to the process handling card game logic.

The card game process is an uber-state machine composed of state machine modules for every stage of the game. This lets me treat card game logic as a Lego constructor and add new card games by putting together the state machine building blocks. Take a look at the start function in cardgame.erl if you want to learn more about my approach.

The card game state machine lets different messages through depending on the game stage. It also uses a separate game process to handle the machinery common to all games such as keeping track of players, pots, limits and so on. When simulating 27,000 poker games on my laptop I found that I had about 136,000 players and close to 800,000 processes in total.

That said, I would like to focus on how Erlang makes it simple to implement scalability, fault tolerance and load balancing using OpenPoker as an example. My approach is not particular to poker or card games. The same approach can be used to quickly put together massively scalable multiplayer backends, do it cheaply and with a minimum amount of pain.

I implement scalability and load-balancing by means of a multi-tier architecture. The first tier is represented by gateway nodes. Game server nodes form tier two and Mnesia "master" nodes can be thought of as the third tier.

Mnesia is the Erlang real-time distributed database. The Mnesia FAQ has a good explanation but Mnesia is basically a fast, replicating, in-memory database. There are no objects in Erlang but Mnesia can be thought of as object-oriented as it can store any Erlang data.

There are two types of Mnesia nodes: those that write to disk and those that do not. Regardless of this, all Mnesia nodes keep their data in memory. Mnesia master nodes in OpenPoker are nodes that write to disk. Gateways and game servers pick up their database from Mnesia masters upon startup and are memory-only nodes.

There's a handy set of command-line arguments that you can give to the Erlang VM and interpreter when starting up to tell Mnesia where the master database is located. After the new local Mnesia node establishes contact with the master Mnesia node, the new node becomes part of the master node's cluster.

Assuming that the master nodes are located on hosts apple and orange, adding a new gateway, game server, etc. node to your OpenPoker cluster is as simple as
erl -mnesia extra_db_nodes \[' db@apple','db@orange'\] -s mnesia start

-s mnesia start

is equivalent to starting Mnesia from the erlang shell like this
erl -mnesia extra_db_nodes \['db@apple','db@orange'\]
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.8 [source] [hipe] [threads:0]

Eshell V5.4.8 (abort with ^G)
1> mnesia:start().

OpenPoker keeps configuration information in Mnesia tables and this information is automatically downloaded by new nodes as soon as Mnesia starts. Zero configuration required!
Fault tolerance
OpenPoker lets me grow as high as I want by adding cheap Linux boxes to my server farm. Put together a couple of racks of 1U servers and you can easily handle 500,000 or even 1,000,000 players online. This would work just as well for a MMORPG as for poker.

I can dedicate some boxes to run gateway nodes and some to be database masters that write database transactions to disk. I can dedicate the rest of my boxes to run my game servers. I can limit game servers to accept a maximum of, say, 5000 simultaneous players so that no more than 5000 players are affected when my game server box crashes.

It's important to note that no information is lost when a game server crashes since all the Mnesia database transactions are replicated in real-time to all other nodes running Mnesia, game server nodes included.

In case of errors some assistance from the game client is required for the player to smoothly reconnect to the OpenPoker cluster. As soon as the poker client notices a network error it should connect to the gateway, receive a new game server address in a hand-off packet and reconnect to the new game server. What happens then is a little tricky as different types of reconnect scenarios need to be handled.

OpenPoker will handle the following reconnect scenarios:
  1. The game server crashed
  2. The client crashed or timed out due to a network error
  3. The player is online on a different connection
  4. The player is online on a different connection and is in a game

The most common scenario will probably be a poker client that disconnected due to a network error. A less likely but still possible scenario is a client reconnecting from one computer while already playing at another.

Each OpenPoker game buffers packets sent to players and every reconnecting poker client will first receive all the game packets since the game started before starting to receiving packets as usual. OpenPoker uses TCP connections so I don't need to worry about packet ordering -- packets will simply arrive in proper order.

Every poker client connection is represented by two OpenPoker processes: the socket process and the actual player process. A visitor process with restricted functionality is used until the player logs in. Visitors cannot join games, for example. The socket process will be dead after a poker client disconnects while the player process will still be alive.

A player process can notice a dead socket when attempting to forward a game packet and should put itself into auto-play mode or fold the hand. The login code will check for the combination of a dead socket and live player process when reconnecting. The code to determine the condition looks like this:
login({atomic, [Player]}, [_Nick, Pass|_] = Args)

when is_record(Player, player) ->
Player1 = Player#player {
socket = fix_pid(Player#player.socket),
pid = fix_pid(
Condition = check_player(Player1, [Pass],
fun is_account_disabled/2,
fun is_bad_password/2,
fun is_player_busy/2,
fun is_player_online/2,
fun is_client_down/2,
fun is_offline/2

whereas the conditions themselves will be determined by the following code:
is_player_busy(Player, _) ->
{Online, _} = is_player_online(Player, []),
Playing = /= none,
{Online and Playing, player_busy}.

is_player_online(Player, _) ->
SocketAlive = Player#player.socket /= none,
PlayerAlive = /= none,
{SocketAlive and PlayerAlive, player_online}.

is_client_down(Player, _) ->
SocketDown = Player#player.socket == none,
PlayerAlive = /= none,
{SocketDown and PlayerAlive, client_down}.

is_offline(Player, _) ->
SocketDown = Player#player.socket == none,
PlayerDown = == none,
{SocketDown and PlayerDown, player_offline}.

Notice that the first thing the login function does is to fix up dead process ids. This makes processing simple down the road and is accomplished with the following bits of code:
when is_pid(Pid) ->
case util:is_process_alive(Pid) of
true ->
_ ->

fix_pid(Pid) ->



when is_pid(Pid) ->
rpc:call(node(Pid), erlang, is_process_alive, [Pid]).

A process id in Erlang includes the id of the node where the process is running. is_pid(Pid) tells me if its argument is a process id (pid) but cannot tell me if the process is alive or dead. Erlang's built-in erlang:is_process_alive(Pid) tells me whether a local process (running on the same node) is dead or alive. There's no variant of is_process_alive for checking remote nodes.

Fortunately, I can use the Erlang rpc facility together with node(pid) to call is_process_alive() on the remote node. In fact, this will work just as well on the local node so the code above functions as a universal distributed process checker.

All that is left to do is to act on the various login conditions. In the simplest case where the player is offline I start a player process, connect the player to the socket and update the player record.
login(Player, player_offline, [Nick, _, Socket]) ->
{ok, Pid} = player:start(Nick),
OID = gen_server:call(Pid, 'ID'),
gen_server:cast(Pid, {'SOCKET', Socket}),
Player1 = Player#player {
oid = OID,
pid = Pid,
socket = Socket
{Player1, {ok, Pid}}.

Should the player login information not match I can return an error and increase the number of bad login attempts. If this number exceeds a predefined maximum I disable the account like this:
login(Player, bad_password, _) ->
N = Player#player.login_errors + 1,
{atomic, MaxLoginErrors} =
db:get(cluster_config, 0, max_login_errors),
N > MaxLoginErrors ->
Player1 = Player#player {
disabled = true
{Player1, {error, ?ERR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED}};
true ->
Player1 = Player#player {
login_errors = N
{Player1, {error, ?ERR_BAD_LOGIN}}

login(Player, account_disabled, _) ->
{Player, {error, ?ERR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED}};

Logging out the player involves finding the player process id using their Object ID (which is just a number), stopping the player process and updating the player record in the database. This is accomplished by the following bit of code:
logout(OID) ->
case db:find(player, OID) of
{atomic, [Player]} ->
{atomic, ok} = db:set(player, OID,
[{pid, none},
{socket, none}]);
_ ->

With logout out of the way I can address the various reconnect conditions. If the player is online but idle, i.e. hanging out in the lobby or watching a game (drinking a Bud? Wazzup!) and is reconnecting from a different computer, I can just log them out and log them back in as if they were offline:
login(Player, player_online, Args) ->
login(Player, player_offline, Args);

If the player was idle when their poker client disconnected then all I need to do is replace the socket process id in the player record and tell the player process about the new socket.
login(Player, client_down, [_, _, Socket]) ->
gen_server:cast(, {'SOCKET', Socket}),
Player1 = Player#player {
socket = Socket
{Player1, {ok,}};

If the player was in a game then we run the code above and tell the game to resend the event history.
login(Player, player_busy, Args) ->
Temp = login(Player, client_down, Args),

Overall, a combination of a real-time replicating database, a poker client that knows to reconnect to a different game server and some crafty login code allows me to provide a high degree of fault tolerance transparently to the player.
Load balancing

I can build my OpenPoker cluster from as many game server nodes as I want . I might want to allocate, say, 5000 players per game server and spread the load among the active game servers in my cluster. I can add new game servers at any time and they will automatically make themselves available to accept new players.

Gateway nodes spread the player load among the active game servers in the OpenPoker cluster. The job of a gateway node is to pick a random game server, ask it for the number of players connected and its address, host and port number where the game server is running. As soon as the gateway finds a game server where the number of players connected is less than the preset maximum it will return the address of that game server to the connected poker client and close the connection.

There's absolutely no load on gateway nodes and connections to them are extremely short-lived. You can have any cheap box acting as your gateway node.

Nodes should generally come at least in pairs so that if one node fails another one can take over. You would need a mechanism like Round-robin DNS to employ more than a single gateway node.

How do gateways learn about game servers?

OpenPoker uses the Erlang Distributed Named Process Groups facility to group game servers. The group is globally visible on all nodes, this happens automatically. New game servers join the game server group and when a game server node goes down it's automatically deleted.

This is what the code to find a game server with a maximum capacity of MaxPlayers looks like:
find_server(MaxPlayers) ->
case pg2:get_closest_pid(?GAME_SERVERS) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
{Time, {Host, Port}} = timer:tc(gen_server, call, [Pid, 'WHERE']),
Count = gen_server:call(Pid, 'USER COUNT'),
Count < MaxPlayers ->
io:format("~s:~w: ~w players~n", [Host, Port, Count]),
{Host, Port};
true ->
io:format("~s:~w is full...~n", [Host, Port]),
Any ->

pg2:get_closest_pid() returns a random game server process id since a gateway node is not expected to run any game servers. If a process id of the game server is returned I ask the game server for its address (host and port) as well the number of players connected. So long as the number of players connected is less than the maximum I return the game server address to the caller, otherwise I keep looking.
Multiple-outlet powerstrip middleware

OpenPoker is open source software and I have been pitching it to various poker vendors recently. All the vendors have the same problem with scalability and fault tolerance, even after several years of development. Some have recently finished major rewrites of their server software while others are just embarking on this journey. All of the vendors are heavily invested in their Java infrastructure and, understandably, do not want to switch to Erlang.

Still, it sounds to me like there is a need to be filled. The more I think about it the more it looks like Erlang can still be used to provide a cost-efficient solution while keeping things simple and straightforward. I see this solution as a multiple-outlet electrical power strip, just like the one you are probably using right now.

You write your game server as a simple socket-based server that uses a database backend. In fact, more likely than not this is how your game server is written now. Your game server is the standard electrical plug and multiple instances of your game server are plugged into my power outlets while players flow in through the other end.

You supply the game servers and I provide you with scalability, load balancing, and fault tolerance. I keep players connected to the power strip and monitor your game servers, restarting them as needed. I switch your players to another game server when one goes down and you can plug in as many game servers as you like into my power outlets.

The power strip middleware is a black box sitting between your players and your servers and likely won't even require any changes to your code. You will get all the benefits of a highly scalable, load-balanced, fault-tolerant solution while keeping your investment and modifying little of your existing infrastructure.

You can write this middleware in Erlang today, run it on a Linux box with a kernel specially tuned for a high number of TCP connections and put this box in a demilitarized zone while keeping your game servers behind a firewall. Even if you don't, I suggest that you take a close look at Erlang today and think about using it to simplify your massively multiplayer server architectures. And I will be here to help!
